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"Sam?" I sighed in relief. "I've never been more happy to see a lumberjack in my life," I ran and hugged him. "I'd say I'm happy to see you too but I'm more concerned about what you're running from," he chuckled, pulling away. "Are you okay?" Dean got out of the car too. "I'm fine," I sighed. "Why are you running?" He looked me over briefly. I glanced behind the car and although there was no one there I knew that there would be sooner or later and I'm not about to take my chances.

"I'll explain everything if you let me in the car and get me far away from here," I practically begged.

They exchanged a look but soon enough they agreed, Dean muttering a, "Climb in," and I obliged immediately.

"So," Sam finally spoke when we were a couple miles down the road. "It's a long story," I mumbled. "Well you owe us, so spill." Dean demanded. I rolled my eyes but told them anyway.

"Long story short?" I offered. They nodded. "I ditched my family when my parents died last year," they're quizzical stares made me want to explain further. "I couldn't process my own grief, there's no way I could even begin to manage theirs," I elaborated. The car fell completely silent, and for once I was uncomfortable around these two.

"Dude, we have to take her back," Sam blurted out. "No! No, no, no!" I countered.

I'm shocked to say the least. I was not expecting him to say that. Dean was silent. Maybe he has more sense than Sam. "I don't think we should," He shook his head. Knew he was the smart one. "She shouldn't have to be responsible for them," Dean shrugged when Sam stared at him open mouthed. "She shouldn't run away from her problems either, Dean! What's that gonna teach her?" Sam objected. They were starting to forget that I was here apparently. "I've learned enough," I butt in. "I doubt that, Kylie." Sam comments. "Is Kylie even your real name?" Dean gives me a look through the mirror. "Yes, of course. Who lies about their name?" I narrow my eyes as if the question is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. "Well, smart people who want to be successful when ditching their family." He points out and I shrug. It was quiet for a few minutes and that silence made me anxious.

"Listen," Dean finally spoke. The deep sigh that followed is what set me off. "Maybe Sammy's right. You should talk things over. You can't run forever," he tried to reason, but I stopped thinking rationally when he agreed with Sam. "I'm sorry, I thought this was my life," I snapped. "Yep." Dean exhaled, exchanging a look with Sam before making a sharp U- turn. "Jesus," Sam muttered. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I tightened my grip on Sam's seat. "You're right, it's your life." Dean continued. "But it's my car and I'm driving so we go where I wanna go," he dictated. "That's kidnapping," I pointed out. "Nope, if anything I'm rescuing you," Dean stopped outside the boarding house.

"I'm guessing the one with the angry brunette and the two brooding jocks is your place?" Sam chuckled. "No," I mumbled as I shrunk down into my seat. I was hoping I wouldn't be seen but that didn't matter because I wasn't the least bit convincing. Dean pulled into the driveway anyway and not long after, my door was opened for me by none other than Elena herself. "Are you really gonna let this random ass lady pull me out of here?" I questioned. "Well I'm assuming that since she looks almost exactly like you that you're probably related so it's okay." Dean answered smugly.

"That's a really sucky assumption," I rolled my eyes. "Actually it's right on point considering the fact that I am your twin," Elena grumbled. "No one asked you," I snapped. "Alright, get out of the car," she propped herself up on the door. "You're not the boss of me," I crossed my arms. "You underestimate my ability to drag your scrawny ass out,"

"I'd like to see you try it, sister." I glared at her. Dean huffed in annoyance. "Kylie, I will drag you out myself," he turned to face me. "Dean," Sam warned. The annoyance was thick in the air and Stefan and Damon were getting impatient. "What if we go with her? Just in case." Sam suggested. I could tell he was the most concerned about the situation. It was a little sketchy after all.

"I like that idea," I nodded. "Well, I don't." Dean countered. "We have things we need to take care of," he insisted. "Please," I began to panic. "Please, please, please, do not leave me alone with them," I begged. He shook his head, "Fine," he got out of the car and me and Sam followed but I stayed hid behind them.

"So?" I prompted. "We're going home," Elena concluded. "You owe us an explanation,"

"I think she owes all of us an explanation." Damon spoke up.

Dean nodded, "Agreed."

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A/N: It took me forever to update. I kept getting stuck, but I finally pushed through. I also realized that I have a major obsession with the vampire diaries. I'm watching it for the 5th time now. Anyway, until next time, I hope you enjoy, please VOTE, SHARE, AND COMMENT!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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