Twenty eight

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i really miss waking up without feeling like having to force open my eyes and power through the day merely because i have my hands full of responsibilities. i think nobody should feel like they are forced to work on something just because the world said they have to. everybody should be allowed live a life they want to. and sadly, reality said otherwise. we are always under too much stress. there is always too much burden on our frail shoulders. some of us even made it worse, we step on ourselves ruthlessly whenever we failed to do the responsibilities the world pressed onto us because thats what they usually do to people who screwed up. and its impossible for us to not screw up. instead of trying to let go, we practice judging ourselves. we practice hating ourselves for what we are not. instead of blooming, we wilt. we became an expert on belittling ourselves. we ruin ourselves for something that is not equally important. it goes on a never-ending cycle and i want you to know when to stop. i do not know how much pain or burden or struggle that you are facing right now. but i want you to know that its okay to take a break. to stop wondering around all the things that stresses you and start remembering why you are here in the first place. try to put your hand on your heart right now and say the prayers. pray for yourself. maybe you have forgotten what it felt like to breathe without feeling like there is too much burden. maybe we try too hard on everything. maybe we are too hard on ourselves. so just breathe. i will sing along with you. 💛

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