Thirty seven

7 5 2

A : So why are you still single?

B : Love is poison

A : what? no, it isn't

B : what makes you so sure?

A : love is beautiful

B : I used to have a friend, she was a strong girl, unshaken of all the troubles, a leader we all respect, no hesitation in her voice.
Until a boy came and took part in her happiness. He came everyday, taking her away from us. Stripping her away from us, demanding attention — ours not as an exception.
He took her friendship and placed it all on him.
other example?

Love made you demand his attention, demand his love, demand his time. What used to be ours needed to be sacrificed in what we call LOVE. We miss someone everyday, we long for their care, we wait for their text, we envy as they approach another, we die when they left for another. we made ourselves reliant on them, putting ourselves part of them, making them part of us.

And when they are part of us, once they're gone, the pain we have is unspeakable.

Some heal and learn to love again — and some stay broken.

—just an ordinary boy
broken heart stays broken, even when you're forgiven.

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