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{Chapter one}

The boy awoke to an un usual sound, almost like a screeching noice causing him to cover his ears with his hands. He feels a cold liquid drop down his arm but lets it go, getting up from the only chair in the dark room he was surrounded in. the black walls and the tiny window at the top of the room was becoming suspicious to him. He looks down at his hands and notices the liquid was blood and almost chokes in his own spit. Is this a joke? He thought.

He feels a tingly feeling go down his spine and feels a hot breath fan over his neck.

You cannot run away from me! There's no way out.

He hears right in his ear followed by an evil laughter almost as if it was satan himself.

He claws at his ears and a severe anount of pain shoots through his body. His ears are screaming, it seems as if they have been clawed at already thousands of times. more blood appears on his hands as he lets out a another sound if terror.

"Leave! Leave me alone." he drops to his knees as he hears that laugh again only it's more than one thing laughing. "please" he cries. But they wouldn't. it was too satisfying to them to see the boy this weak, in a state where they had complete control over him.

It was almost as if he were the puppet and they were the puppet master.

The boy became angry. rage filling him from the tip to his toes as he throws the chair against the wall, bits and pieces flying in all directions. the sound echoing through out the small prison room but not bothering him at all. he punches the wall next to him creating a hole as the voices continue, not giving the poor guy a break.

There's no way out of it. just let us in. Your crazy and no one cares about you except us.

It stresses out the us almost sounding like a snake

No, he refused to believe the voices.

Its all in your head. all just in your head the voices are not real-

You know for a fact that's not true.

It spoke to him.

We are your friends.

You will never be my friend. the boy spoke to nothing. The sick laughter come again filling the room.

It's not real the boy spoke in his head over and over again till it was dead silent. A shadow passed behind him so fast almost not noticeable but he noticed. he spun on his heels looking for who ever was in the room with him. But there wasn't anyone but himself.

He heard scratching against the walls, footsteps surrounding him. voices flying past him.

Don't be a fool child, we just want to come out and play.

Stay away from me. He begged for the hundredth time now.

You're a sinner. born and raised. you belong to us.

How could he be a sinner if he can't even remember what he'd done?

I belong to no one, especially not you. your not real.

He backs towards the corner of the room skidding down the wall putting his head between his knees.

Why are you hiding? are you scared of us boy?

He didn't answer just kept his head down shutting his eyes so tight they began to hurt and he started seeing colors of lights.

"What do you want from me!" he shouts out into the vacant room will not lifting his head.

But no reply came.

Look at me. The voice came. the boy shakes his head, Terrified of what he might see

Look at me! the voice came again.

Using the last of his energy he has he gets up off the floor and yells at the haunting thing, "LEAVE ME ALONE."

Everything all at once stopped. the voices the footsteps.

He almost though he was actually going insane until he felt the slit eat tap on his shoulder. his heart stopped as he slowly turned around, coming face to face with the one thing us humans fear yet lack the true knowledge of, the devil.

Standing before him was the unknown. not resembling anything like the devil we know of. No horns not was he red but a cloud of black. it's eyes not eyes, it's face not a face. His skin begin to irritate him and he wanted to rip his own arm off. then hundreds started to show up all surrounding him. nearing towards the frightened boy. an ear piercing scream left his trembling mouth.

Then in a flash everything stopped the laughing the taunting faces, the voices. gone. the figures of imagination.

Gone. As if they never existed.

Thomas blacked out as body opened the door, not making it to the boy in time as he collapsed to the floor, his body shaking violently.

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