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{Chapter two}

The nurse rushes over to the boys lifeless body on the floor checking his pulse, while calling for help. His body stops shaking and Moments later more nurses come in and carry the cold unconscious body to a different room, lay him on bed and attach tubes to his arm and a oxygen mask to his face.

The doctor yells orders as frantic women rush to obey trying to get a pulse.

In the middle of all this chaos the boys eyes snap open and takes a sharp breath startling every person in the room freezing in place. The line was flat but the boy was awake. His once blue eyes replaced with white.

"Doctor," one if the nurse say trying to get the frightened mans attention.

"Sir what do we do." She repeats in a whisper but they do nothing as they watch the boys chest rise and fall while the room is dead silent.

Just As she was shaking the doctors shoulder and about to speak the boy sits up straight, and they all freeze up scared of what might happen next but the boys mouth opens to speak starring straight at the doctors face,

"We're all doomed. There's no escape doc."

And falls back on the bed and the machine next to him goes crazy. The noise knocks the doctor back to life as he rushes to fix everything. It's not the fact the boy was talking without a heart beat that scared the doctor and nurses shitless, it was that it wasn't his voice.

One nurse grabs two metal objects holding them to the limp body's chest firmly.

"Clear." A jolt of electricity shoots through him but still nothing happens.

Few seconds pass and the doctor repeats the order this time getting a beat ring out through the room calming everyone down and replacing their frightened look with a smile. They did it they thought.

"Nice job guys ok ms jane make sure he's getting his medication and fluids." With that he leaves followed by all the nurses but one.

She lets out a shaky breath sticking the needle into his arm and wiping the area with a napkin.

"You scared us there for a sec Thomas, don't do that again." She jokes to the sleeping 20 year old. She wipes the sweat off his forehead with a wet paper towel and pushes his wavy brown hair back. Thomas had bags under his eyes from not being able to sleep and his skin was oddly pale. Whenever it was time to eat he would just pick at his food. the nurse was shocked at how he was able to even stand on his two feet without passing out.

"You'll be out of here soon buddy." She tells the boy she's known since his parents brought him to this psychiatric hospital when he was just about 15. She has always treated Thomas as if he was her own child and she knew she was his favorite. she was the only one he would talk to, or open up to. his parents occasionally visit but Thomas would only shut them out. Why talk to someone who thinks your crazy? He had a camera in his room so even when they left him alone, they could still watch over him. and some of the stuff they witnessed was not pretty.

2 years ago

"Thomas." A faint voice called behind the steel door along with a knock. the boy did not answer, just continued to sit in his chair in the corner of the room, as far away from the door as possible.

There was a click and a women stood before him looking worried as he stared at the floor not acknowledging her presence.

"Thomas." She coos again this time getting his attention. The name feels so unknown to his ears, yet he still responds to it.

He looks up and she jumps back in shock. the left side if his face was red , swollen and had a black eye while the right was glowing, almost pure.

They had checked on him not few hours ago and he was perfectly fine.

"Thomas? What happened to you?" She asks sincerely reaching out to touch his face but he turns his head so she couldn't. hurt was written all over the nurses face but she let it go. Thomas avoided her question but she wasn't leaving till she found out what happened.

"Did you do this to yourself?" Her voice barely down to a whisper now.

His head snaps up, obviously pissed that she of all people would think that. "No." Thomas barked. "I'm not sick."

"I know, I know that Thomas." she says reassuringly, not sure if she was convincing her self. "I'm just worried, I'm trying to help you but you won't let -"

"Maybe," he says cutting her off. " maybe I don't want your help."

"You may not want it but you need it."

"So you are calling me sick."

"No Thomas." but she didn't continue. the sad face he wore broke her heart and she no longer could produce words for him.

"It's okay, I think I'm starting to accept it." they sit there in silence for a good 10 min when Thomas starts shaking.

"What wrong? Thomas honey, what's wrong?" the nurse asks urgently trying to get him to calm down. she shouts out for the doctor but Thomas put his hand over her mouth to shut her up.

"No." He whispers looking into her eyes. "he's here"

"Who's here Thomas?"

"The one who did this to me." he smirks. " you should leave."

"I'm not leaving, tell me what you meant."

The once open door slams shut and locks in place

"Too late." Thomas finishes.

She goes flying against the wall, and falls to the floor unconscious.

"The devil doesn't have time for distractions."

The chair flys out from underneath Thomas, him falling to his knees. Soon you hear the boy begging to not be touched.

But his voice was cut out due to the sound of his bones breaking.

Writers note:

if this part seems confusing let me explain, each time the devil try's to control him he gets hurt either bruised or broken bones. cruel I know sorry cx

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