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This story is beginning to be a...  Authors note type of deal.....  That is because I honestly HATE this book with a passion, especially since I had just read back at a few facts....   To me, all of this is God awful disgusting.... But, hey! If I take down this book, the half of you might hunt me down 😂😂
I don't wanna risk myself on that, lol.
I probably should tell all about that creepy pasta story my friend and I have made... But, I'm just.... Very lazy at the moment...... I just ate some ice cream then crashed on the couch, hiding half of my face in my vest so my eyes just show. (This couch is very comfortable and soft, it's like a gift upon the asguardian's god gods)

Mentioning again, I'm horrible at ending things such as this, so :D....

Oh Heyy, my birthday  was a few days ago. Murry Birthmas to me, lol. I'm happ cause I got a Genji Hoodie....  (Only known to Overwatch fans, rip non-knowers)

  Hmm...  I'm normally active almost ALL MY LIFE on Instagram. I should probably have that gifted upon you humans that read this trashy story as well..... (Lmao look at me, bouning from one thing to the next) Well, my account... Which is basically a meme and Overwatch trash account (infected with my fricken furry trash art here and there) is @Zombiphobic. So... I suppose that's a thing... That exists.....  Yep...... Welp!  Cya :D

(Please forgive me and my social awkwardness, I promise you that on Instagram I act like a hyper little sh*t.. Which I don't understand why I act differently on different apps..... ;-;)

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