Chapter 4 "A birthday and an argument"

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Chapter 4 

Ritsu slammed the door behind him, the resounding bang sapping all the strength from his knees as he sunk down onto the floor beneath.

He heard harsh breathing and gasps and looked around wildly, only to realise it was coming from him. His heart thudded in his chest and his face flushed a dark red. For once, in a long time, the voices that often crowded his mind were completely silent. Instead, a single recurring line chanted in his head.

'I'm going out with Takano Masamune.'

He couldn't believe it. Years. It had taken fricking years to build up his walls. It was almost unfair the way Takano had just...blown through them. Then again… he had been caught during his most vulnerable moment. Once a year, he let himself go, and it was just unfortunate, stupid dumb luck that Takano had managed to catch him when he was down. And once Takano had caught him, he didn't let go.

A loud buzzing sound made Ritsu realise that he was sitting, slumped in front of the door on the cold hardwood floors. He mechanically reached towards his still vibrating phone and clicked on the green flashing button and answered dully.


A sharp female voice answered.

"Ritsu? It's your mother here."

Ritsu froze slightly before forcing a little more spirit into his voice. If his mother found even a hint of unhappiness in his voice, he was under no illusion that he wouldn't be forced to quit his job and return to Onodera Publishing.

"Yes mother? Anything?"

"Anything? Does a mother need to have a reason to phone her own child?"

Ritsu hid a scowl before sighing softly. He loved his mother. He really did. But she could be...difficult at times to deal with.

"Of course not mother. How have you been?"

He grunted slightly as he heaved his cold butt off the floor and headed towards his bedroom. He idly noted that it was already dark out. Had he spent so long brooding?

"I've been well, thank you for asking. It's just that Akari-san has recently had a new grandchild and she's been too busy to spend time with me. And I'm afraid I don't get to spend a lot of time with my only son, because he's been too busy to spend time with his mother."

Ritsu winced.

"I'm sorry mother. It's just that I've been…"

"Really busy. I know. You and your father both. I don't understand it. I swear you two will just be the death of me one day."

Ritsu smiled. He had heard that over and over, but he never got tired of hearing that.

"Mother, you know we love you."

He heard his mother huff slightly on the other end of the line.

"Oh Ritsu, love you too. When are you going to get settle down with An-chan and give me grandkids to spoil?"

He grimaced.

"Not anytime soon mother. I'm not interested in getting married yet…."

Love Sickness (BoyxBoy) Sekaiichi Hatsukoi FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now