Chapter 6 "It's a small world"

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Chapter 6

Beep. Beep. Beep.


Ritsu reflexively jerked up, in doing so causing the already precariously balanced tower of manuscript and books crashing towards the already paper flooded floor. Ritsu gave a groan and sat up properly from his sprawled out position on his desk, glancing towards the source of the sound. Kisa, who looked to be half conscious as it was, had apparently decided to take out his irritation at the incessantly beeping phone by punching it. Ritsu couldn't help pity the poor editor…and the phone. One of his authors had panicked over an upcoming live action production, and had decided to change several key plot lines during the last week. It took the combined efforts of Kisa and Takano to settle things, and Kisa had gotten a lot of flak from both the author and Takano. The author, because she felt betrayed by her editor; and Takano because Kisa should've known better than to imbalance his author during such a critical period.

Sighing softly, Ritsu calmly replaced the handset onto the machine, making the incessant beeping finally stop. Kisa seemed to give a wheezy mumble before burrowing his head into his arms, exhausted from the long weeks past.

It was only the two of them in the office. It was the end of a long cycle, and the other editors who could go home, did. Kisa had been forced to stay behind to deal with the live action's script writer, and had subsequently passed out after the last mumbled 'thank you for your hard work good bye.'

Ritsu himself had taken pity on his friend and senpai, and had decided to keep Kisa company for a while, eventually nodding off himself. He had persuaded Takano to leave, insisting that Takano 'Go home and get some bloody rest'. Because if Kisa looked bad, then Takano looked, if possible, even worse. As in 'Oh my god, what is that thing?' worse. Because at the end of the day, Takano was the head of their department. He was the one who had to deal with the superiors, the other departments, the media, the director who was asking for the rights to the script, in addition to keeping his own authors on track and in line. It had been the first time in over eight months since Takano and himself had started dating, that Takano had agreed to head home earlier than he did; and that action alone spoke volumes about Takano's state of being.

Giving the amorphous lump that was Kisa a gentle poke, Ritsu looked round the post-hurricane aftermath that was the office. Seeing Kisa shift slightly, Ritsu decided that another, slightly harder poke was in order. The last train would leave soon, and Ritsu really did not want to miss it. While Kisa fought his way up from the Land of Nod, Ritsu packed up his own bags, and slung his computer bag over his arm.

"Oi, Kisa-san, wake up."

Bleary eyes, limp with weariness managed to open.

"Just leave me here to die." Moaned Kisa. "I don't want to open my eyes."

Ritsu snorted as Kisa stood with a grunt. He swooned slightly as he stood, but soon steadied himself with the back of his chair. A quick pack up and the two were going down the lifts, and towards the train station, and more importantly, home.

Kisa was tetchy and more than a little grumpy during the ride back.

"I hate my job." Muttered Kisa, his eyes already drooping as he sat down on the train, swaying slightly as the train turned a corner.

"Come on Kisa-san. You love this job." Reminded Ritsu.

"I don't now."

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