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There once was an identical pair of twins born.  Nothing about any one of the two were different except for there personality.  One was very calm and gentle and quiet and never showed any emotion, but there is always a calming aura surrounding him showing anyone that he doesn't mean any harm.  The other one is the exact opposite.  He was very rough and loud and let's just say UN-calm.  Their names were Ash, the quiet one and Alex, the loud one.

Due to Ash always being quiet and calm and never showing a reaction to anything, he got bullied.  And since he didn't show a reaction to that, the bullying would get worse.  Even after Alex chased them away every time they would always come back.  This happened before they even started school and once they did start school it got even worse.

One day in third grade  it was the end of the day and they were walking home,  there was someone following them.  Since they didn't want to let the person following know that they knew that they were being followed, they continued at the same pace.  That mistake was the mistake that angered Alex every time he thought about it.  The reason because is that Ash was kidnapped.

Ash didn't scream out. Didn't make any facial expression.  Didn't even reach out. He was calm the whole entire time.  This angered Alex but more so made him sad.

He had a crush on his brother.  More so than anyone would think.  So it saddened him when his brother was taken.  He didn't know what to do.  But what angered him is that the people who most likely kidnapped Ash was that their parents ordered for someone to do so.

Their parents never liked how the two were so close.  They always took there anger out on Ash. Always blamed Ash for something he didn't do.  They also took there anger out on Ash because they didn't like how he didn't show any expression or reaction to what they did.

They didn't want Ash.

He was always so good in everything.  Always obedient.  Always kind.  Always had manners.  They only wanted one child and they wanted one they could talk with and have fun with. But it was hard to have a child that didn't show emotion. It angered them.

The man who kidnapped Ash ended up not being a bad person at all.  He actually didn't really like them at all.  He knew what they did to Ash. He even saw it one time and made anger form.  So when they hired someone professional to kidnap Ash he was happy to.  He decided to be Ash's father.

Though, he did sometimes find it quite unnerving how, no matter what, the child was so calm.  He even checked Ash's pulse every time something should have scared him or made him nervous or make his pulse quicken it was always calm.  It really was scary.  Especially how fast that child learned things and how he memorized information.  He was good in everything he did.  He even hid his presence unnaturally well.  He barely had a presence in the first place.  But he was very naive and dense.  And got lazy because he couldn't find anything interesting to do besides learning new things.

Even though his brain was extraordinary there was one thing he could not remember and had slowly forgotten about over time......

That he even had a twin brother in the first place.........

And all of the events before the kidnapping including the kidnapping.

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