A little

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Alex's pov
As my eyes locked into a pair of eyes so familiar I thought I was imagining things. The color that was the same as mine. But, they were so calm.....just like his. I thought back to my brother and scowled, scaring the people in front of me. I'm just seeing things....he's probably dead. I growled "stupid".

I walked to my class angrily sitting down in a seat. I couldn't think about anything else other than him. His eyes. His small thin frame. Wishing that he's not dead. Hoping that what I saw this morning......wasn't my imagination.

Before I knew it, school was already over. I can't seem to remember moving at all. I sighed. I went to Leo's locker and stole his food. It was a normal routine he had his lunch and then his after school snack. I normally stole both but I didn't feel like it today. Well....he should be happy....

I was on my way to head home but I heard a commotion coming from a room. Following two other students who also heard the commotion.

One of the students I knew....it was North. The other one I didn't...a transfer student.....? He had blonde hair, but I couldn't see his eyes. He didn't seem like he was in a good mood.

We all walked into the room, the air tense. I didn't get a good look at my surroundings until I heard a familiar annoying voice, "Alex, you better not have eaten my food again!!!!!!!!!!!" I smirked.

"If you want it, it's in my stomach" it wasn't. It was in my bookbag. He growled.

Everything went quiet when a soft snore was heard. All eyes followed the sound. I froze. It was Ash. I thought I was seeing things so I punched my self, and it hurt. He is here. I wasn't seeing things this morning. He is here.

He looked up to Luke then to Leo then to me. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. I started tearing up a looked away. I couldn't believe that he's here.

        A few seconds later I started hearing soft footsteps coming towards me. Knowing who it was I didn't bother looking. After a few minutes I felt arms wrap around me, as if telling me that he was here and alive and that he wouldn't ever leave me again. That he was safe. I squeezed back and started bawling my eyes out. After 10 minutes when I had calmed down, Ash seemed to be losing strength.

        He let go of me and looked around. His eyes stopped at the blonde haired boy. Who still didn't seem to be in that good of a mood. Ash started walking towards him. The blonde suddenly seemed to have a lot of need and this compared to his crabby mood before was overwhelming. Ash started losing balance but the blonde quickly wrapped him up on a fluffy white blanket and hugged him. I glared at him but he ignored me.

        For some reason he pisses me off.

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