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"RETURN." Shouted Arthit who woke Kongpop from his sleep.

"THIS IS MINE." There was another shout of Arthit. Arthit shouting made Kongpop really curious. Actually what is Arthit done ?

Magnifying glass is always stand by next to Kongpop bed since a little creature named Arthit appears. Kongpop directs the magnifying glass to his desk where Arthit usually eats there.

Do you know what Arthit is doing?


He was fighting with an ant who took his choco chip. Omg, what is he doing rigth now ?

"YOU UGLY, THIS IS MINE ....." Arthit still pulls a fight over the choco chip with an ant.

"Arthit ....." Arthit who was shocked to hear the sound of Kongpop suddenly took off his hand and it became an opportunity for an ant to escape.

"ARGHHHH ...... MINE ......" Arthit turned the body angrily. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT." Afraid? Of course Kongpop is not afraid, even Arthit looks funny with his mini size, bulging eyes, bulging cheeks do not forget both hands on the waist like a man who is angry.

It's been two days since Arthit stayed with Kongpop, although initially annyoing but over time Kongpop feel no problem, now he has toys that entertain him, though more often annyoing.

"I still have a lot."

"BUT MY FOOD IS STOLEN." Arthit said not accept.

"You stole my food, too."


"That's because I'm an adult, not like you're like small kid."


"Of course you are small Since when did you grow up?"

"WHEN I AM BIG?" What is this question, how do I know. Honestly, I do not know what you are.

"I will measure first." Kongpop takes a ruler to measure Arthit. Seeing a towering object directed at him made Arthit scared and ran behind a packet of choco chip cookies.

"HIK ... HIKK ... HIKK ...." There was Arthit cry that made Kongpop confused.

"Arthit, what happend?"

"MAE .... MAE ..... HUAAAA .... MAE ....." The crying is getting louder. Kongpop really confuse now, he really did not know why Arthit was crying.

"Sorry .... tell me why?" Instead of Kongpop dizzy hearing his cry better he relented.

"MAE .... HE IS BAD .... HE WANT TO EAT ARTHIT ....." said Arthit to his Mae.

Finally Kongpop understand, maybe Arthit fears with the ruler he holds. Kongpop walked to clean up his choco chip with crumbs of biscuits left by Arthit.

"HUA ....... MAEE ...... WHITE WHITE ....." Arthit closed his eyes trying to pull out his powers. Instantly Arthit body glowed white, perhaps meant to scare Kongpop but he do this during the day, Arthit white is almost the same as the sunlight that goes into Kongpop room.

"Hufhh ...." Kongpop chuckled at the strange behavior of Arthit.

"I cleaned it up so that the ugly creature called the ant did not come back, so your food was not taken by them." Kongpop explained that Arthit understood that he had no intention of hurting him.

"REALLY ???"

"Of course, I still have a choco pie in my bag.


"Of course it tastes good." Kongpop takes a choco pie and puts it on a plate and then handed it to Arthit. Arthit aroused the joy of seeing a choco mountain in front of him.

Without wasting time, Arthit immediately ate the choco pie. Kongpop smiled at Arthit innoncent behavior.

Today's Kongpop off, no partime work or college schedule. So Kongpop decided to investigate ---- play with Arthit.

"Good?" No response from Arthit is still busy eating it.

"Are there any other creatures like you?" The introgration session begins.

"EHM .."

"Where are they ?"

"ASK MAE." Shit. Really I must ask the sunflower. 😑😑.

"Do you have friends?"

"MAE." Err .. what does that mean? The answer made me more confuse. Never mind, I do not care anymore what he is, the most important is he is not an evil creature.

"Do you like chocolate?"

"YES." Arthit showed off his teeth with a brown choco smile.

"After you eat, I'll fix it up so no more ants."

"ARTHIT." Arthit said while hugging choco pienya. (Zyzy will explain once more about Arthit.If Arthit still eating, he always replied shortly because he did not want his meal get interrupted.It means what Arthit said that the choco pie belongs to Arthit, Kongpop can not take it.)

"What you mean ?"

"MINE." Aaah .. Finally Kongpop understand.

"I will fix when you're done. I'll buy a lot of chocolate, so you will not feel hungry."


"Yeah I promise."

"HAHAHAHA ..... HAHAHHA ..... HAHHA ..." Arthit laughed out loud. Now what ? why the boy suddenly laughed.

"Er ... why are you laugh?"


"Ooo .. you're happy because a lot of food."


Kongpop leaves Arthit to eat and he go clean the house, he tidies the bed, sweeps, swabs and does not forget to flush the sunflowers, Mae of Arthit.

Kongpop decided to take a bath and buy food for himself. He also needs food. After buying food, Kongpop went straight home, not wanting to linger away from Arthit. Who knows he fights with the ants?

Kongpop put his food put beside the bed when usually he will put on the desk study. Kongpop found Arthit sleeping beside choco pie.

Cute. That's what Kongpop felt when he saw his little creature asleep. Then Kongpop take a ruler to measure the height of Arthit. It turns out Arthit height becomes ....


"3 cm."


For those who are curious as high Arthit is already measured. But you guys do not tell Arthit , if he sulky, he will give some trouble to Zyzy and Kongpop. 😆😆.

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