PART TWO- Party Of The Year

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Demi-1-gross I wouldn’t sleep with you.*pushes his arm off*

Taylor-and 2 –best friends don’t bang each other. That’s weird

Demi-and 3- nick isn’t gay, at least he has girls that don’t get annoyed around him.

Taylor- cough cough Joe..

Joe-whoa! Feisty! Hot but Taylor it doesn’t hide a word when you say cough.

Taylor-*flips him off*

Demi-w/e Joe


joe-okay well im leaving, im going to get wasted. oh yeah happy birth day nick, what did i get you for your b-day? nothing, but if you want. i could get you laid with nicole anderson. *smirks*

demi-*jealous* didnt she sleep with like half the school?

joe-*shrugs*maybe, but she is still hot..

demi-but loose whats something loose..and dont say goose that song blows..

taylor-umm..OH! shoe laces nicole anderson is as loose as untied shoe laces!


-nicole just happend to walked by-

nicole- what?

nick-*trying to drink his beer but chokes* oh god


joe-*laughing his ass off, or lmao* best! party! EVER!!

nicole-did you just call me loose!?

demi-no she likes you...joe called you loose, taylor was repeating what joe said..

taylor-oh yeah duh and joe said you slept with like the whole school! rude


nicole-what?!*turns to joe, then slaps him hard* an to think i was going to sleep with you after this party, well i wont!

nick-wait you were going to offer nicole to me and then have sex with her?

nicole-*smiles seducingly at nick* who are you?


nicole-i want to know who you are, your cute

nick-i heard what you said but are you serious?

nicole-yeah cutie*winks at him*

demi-*mad*back up slut!

nicole-excuse me?

demi-do you even know why your here?

nicole-its a party?

nick-its my party..


demi-*still jealous*its his birthday whore

nicole-whatever lovato

demi-joe was right, you are as loose as

taylor-*whispers in her ear*untied shoe laces

demi-right! untied shoe laces..*whispers back*we got to work on that its wierd

nicole-what did you say?!

demi-you heard me you loose whore!


demi-suck dick! oh to late! whore!

nicole-i will kick you ass!*in demi's face*

joe-ALRGHT! CAT- CAT- CAT FIGHHHTT!!*random people apear*

taylor-*gets in between them*okay nicole if demi fights i fight so yeah dont



nicole-taylor out of my way! im talking to the fugly bitch

demi-two words nicole. Fuck.You.*pours beer on her*

random crowd-oohh

nicole-*gasp* bitch!*slaps demi*


demi-*gasp,then punches nicole in the face*

random crowd-OOHHHHH!/DDDAAMMM!/HA!

nicole-*holding her nose*ahh ow ow ow!


nick-okay its time*grabs demi by the waist and carrys her away from nicole*come on

nicole-i- i think she broke my nose!*still holding her nose,which is now bloody

Nick-taylor get nicole out.

taylor-kay*leaves with nicole*

-with demi and nick-

nick-is you face okay?

demi-yeah im fine..she hits like a weak sorry


demi-it was you birthday and i took all the attention by fighting..

nick-oh its okay..*smiles* it was kinda funny


nick-and shoe laces?

demi-*laughs* not my idea, taylors!


demi-*smiles back* what?

nick-your pretty when you laugh..

demi-*blushes hard*th-thanks..

nick-*leans towrd her*

-demi's pov-

what was he doing!!? was he going to kiss me?! should i lean in too? what if he trys to grab something behinde me and he gets all wierded out when i kiss him! omg is that my heart pounding??! what if nick hears it pounding..okay he is gonna kiss me he closed his eyes! oh god oh my god okay what if he knows im nervous oh God my hands are all sweaty..oh god they are like fountians!! okay..just leaaannnnn innnn you wanted thhiiisss. kiss hiiimm

-end of pov-

demi-*leans into the kiss with nick*

-Nemi kiss-(lol)






watcha think soo ffarrr?lol

Im in love with my best friend and his brother! a jemi/nemi storyWhere stories live. Discover now