PART FOUR-(2/2) Demi Problems

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-recap- please rate comment and or add to read later <3 ?? sorry if its short or W/e


-demi's pov-

OH MY FRIGGEN GOSH! HE ASKED ME OUT...but so did joe..,...what should i do......well i always wanted nick..i should go with what i always wanted!..but that wouldnt be fair to joe. nicks brother!

she couldnt just blow him off...oh god! she basically just blew nick off!

*turns around to walk to nick* noo no i cant now that would be weird! awkward!

*turns back to her class* well...i should go with joe

but that would ruin me and nicks friendship!

.but joe asked first!

but nick kissed her first!..ughhhhh!

"huh?" i said. some girl had said something and i didnt hear "you  lookin hot as hell!"

omg! did she just say that!? was there another person that wanted me?

"what!?" i managed to say "your face red! you hot or something?" the girl said.

i looked at myself in my tiny makeup mirror HOLY TAMILS I WAS RED! like blood red

"SHHIIT!" is what came out my mouth. i was blushing that hard

-end of pov-

-In class-

demi-*thinking about joe and nick, looks at taylor who was one seat before her*


taylor-*doesnt hear her*

demi-*thinks* if im going to tell someone it might as well be taylor..*

TAY*half whispering*

tay-*taking notes*

demi-*sighs*tay!....ugh..*pokes her with her pencil*hey..*still whispering*

taylor-*itches where demi poked*

demi-.....*writes on a piece of paper,crumbles it and throws it at taylor*

taylor-*turns around*????

demi-the note!*mouths*

taylor-*reaches under the table for the note, and slowly reads it, turns around* Holy shit!


taylor-*gasps, throws the paper back at demi* what....

teacher-*looks at demi* demi..

demi-*slowly hands the note back to taylor*......yeah?

teacher-..demi would you like to read that note aloud?



taylor-no...thats why we wrote it on paper...


teacher-give me the note to read aloud.

demi-*looks at taylor hoping she doesn't*thats a VERY personal note......

teacher-and this is a very important class, but you waste my time writing notes about teenager stuff like Robbert Paterson's ass..


taylor-i really don't think we are really gonna need science class...we aren't gonna be scientist..



taylor-i-i-i um...*looks at demi*

demi-*shakes her head she didnt want anyone else to know about that note* good

teacher-TAYLOR SWIFT! THE NOTE*reaches for the note*

taylor-*panics, then eats the note whole*

teacher-*steps back*

demi-*eyes widen*

taylor-*coughs** oh-oh god...that..that doesn't feel to eat a sheet of..ow paper?*coughs*


demi-*sinks in her seat*great..

-after class-

taylor-i still cant believe it..pinch me! omg like that's every girls dream to have more than one guy to want her! omg! thats sexy! so who's it gonna be? nick? Joe? or both?! love triangle!

demi-well,none, i have detention...and so do you.and if im going on a date with both i have to do different days name idk??) is such a prune..its not our fault his wife likes going to gay men bars.


taylor-oh! look it Joe!....I'm gonna walk away so you two can talk..

demi-taylloorr--heyy joe..

joe-hey demio. so whats it gonna be? a date? or disappointment? is what taylor calls a prune,gave me detention..

joe-*frowns* oh...prune....oh! just pay him..thats what i do when i want to leave.

demi-you bribe the teacher?

joe-yeah i just give him 50 bucks and he's gone

demi-*nervous about going on the date*i -i dont have 50 bucks...

joe-oh..i could pay for you..

demi-i-i cant just take your money for something i did..and your already trying to take me on a date so maybe Friday(its Thursday)

joe-its okay demi really. i dont mind getting you out of detention.

demi-its just that i- i - i cant leave taylor in detention! and do you really have $100 just for us? its fine how about Friday, im not busy on Friday! how about Friday???

joe-....oh, okay....friday...after school...i'll pick you up..have fun....with taylor in detention........but we are going on that date right?

demi-*smiles*right and...thanks

joe-are you sure you don't just wanna ditch Taylor and have a date?

demi-im sure..i cant just leave taylor here *smiles* thanks though

-like 2 minutes later-

nick-oh hey demi.

demi-oh hi nick...

nick-so um about our talk-

demi-im sorry now isn't a good time..i just got detention..maybe on Saturday we can officially start this whole relationship thing? kay?

nick-oh..its fine..totally

demi-* c: * kay. *hugs him* bye nick

nick-*hugs her back*

Im in love with my best friend and his brother! a jemi/nemi storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin