Gumball is sweet to meet

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*I had a dream about this, so I want to put my dream in this and make it kinda like it*

 Your Pov #2

 Walking causally around the kingdom, I never met or seen the Prince or Princess. I've heard that they were kind and smart people, but I rather not take my chances of getting caught and sent to their candy jail. There has been a lot of twin look alike's, it makes me wonder if I have a twin or someone who looks like me. But they are mostly different genders, so maybe mine is a guy? 

 Loosing myself from my target, I bumped into something or rather someone. Letting my hoodie cover my face from the being, blocking their view from my face. 

 "Are you okay? Who are you, I do believe I never saw you here?" said a sweet but a tint of man in his voice spoke. Peaking to look at his face, he wasn't bad looking but I had to focus back on to my job.  He was pink and had a crown, he seemed to be dressed up properly and royally. He smelt like, bubblegum? I stayed quiet, I don't want to talk to him. I can tell he is a prince, and I'm guessing he is one of the rulers here at the Candy Kingdom, by the looks of it. 

 My eyes looked at everything in front of me, wanting to find an excuse to get away from him. 

 He cleared his throat and spoke once again, "May I know your name or see your face?" He questioned, with less friendly he had in his voice before. My mind wasn't thinking, and I felt a breeze to come harshly. My head tilted up words, making eye contact with the stranger. 

 Everything just slowed down, the breeze pushing my hoodie down, my hair flowing out lightly. The sun making my skin glow and stand out, my eyes held a tint of wonder in the swirls of galaxy that held my emotions. Parting my lips until I heard gasps. 

  Turning my head around to find another human like me, he seemed to have something that was like a hat but took up his hold head but his face and his golden locks that stick out. His eyes showed disbelief in his beautiful blue gem eyes, they were so big and beautiful. My (E/c) eyes showed terror, turning around running. My legs, pushing my limit but getting me away from the position I put myself into. Hearing the two males I saw just a second ago, I could hear their footsteps and their calls for me to stop. 

 Running to an ally, their I saw the wall that could be my only escape. That was when I felt a hand, a giant hand grabbed me by my waist. Kicking and thrashing, I looked at the thing that had caught me, it was a yellow dog. 

 It spoke but I ignored what the dog said, taking my knife I took with me and raised high. I was about to stab the dog, that was until. He let go, dropping me. Pushing the knife away from me, not wanting to stab myself with my knife. I swiftly stood up and jumped over the wall, behind the wall stood the forest. Running away, not knowing what to think. Or even do.

 Gumball Pov~$

 I was helping out the citizens, I was alarmed last night that one of my candy people saw a human. They explained and even sketched her out, but I was still skeptical about the whole situation. 'I have to be honest that she does seem quiet beautiful in the sketch' I blushed at the fact that I could even think that of a girl I have never met. Shacking my thoughts away from the suppose "human" my people claimed they have found. 

When I was notified about the human, I told Fionna and Finn. They were so happy and shocked at the same time. I wanted to get as much witnesses so I can find the girl, but there are no witnesses that had any hints or help about last night. Right now Finn and Jake where helping me with the witnesses. Fionna had to go and do her things today which I have no idea what that is, but I am guessing it is girl things? 

 Letting my bubblegum pink eyes wonder around to see if I can ask anyone for any information, until I spotted something that bothered me for some reason. They were walking causally with their hood up, I couldn't figure out what their face was. Standing up and dusting the sugar off my cleaned and royal shirt I got from Princess Bubblegum, 'bubblegum has been getting to comfy with me' I spoke to myself. Walking towards the hooded person, until someone pulled my arm away. Looking at the hoodie one last time before talking to one of the teenager candy citizens. 

 Annoyed that I lost the person with the hoodie, the girls that pulled me back just wanted my attention. Standing up, looking at the sun. It seems to be getting to sunrise. Looking around for Finn, that was until. I felt someone bump into me. Looking down at the person who ran into me. It seemed like they were a girl but I didn't want to be rude if it was a male. That was until I realized that it was that hooded person I wanted to talk to. Smiling.

  "Are you okay? Who are you, I do believe I never saw you here?"  I asked, wanting to be friendly, this person gave me a vibe that.....made me happy. Trying to see what their face looked like, but to no success. Their hoodie covered their face, making it harder to see who they are and what they are. They never answered me, I was getting quiet nerves, making me get angry. 'Why am I nerves?' I questioned myself, not knowing what to do. 

  Asking a question to get rid of my nervousness,  "May I know your name or see your face?" I questioned, trying to be big and stern. But I lost all my courage, my heart stopped and my mouth opened and gauged. 

 When everything just, went slow. Her hood fell down, showing off her smooth soft skin, her silky hair wavering side to side, her big beautiful eyes held so many things, loosing myself, the sunrise wasn't helping me with the fact that I was face to face with the most beautiful human. I felt my blush come, I didn't know what to say. I heard Finn's footsteps coming our way, everything went back to normal. No slow motion, her big beautiful eyes wondered behind us. Looking at Finn, who gasped at the girl. 

 And just like that, she was gone. Running after her, she was fast but we had something smarter and bigger. Jake made himself bigger, catching up to her easily. She turned a sharp turn in an ally, but there was a wall. We weren't going to take our chances, "JAKE GRAB HER!!!" I yelled out. 'I don't want to loose you now' I told myself, not really wanting to loose her. 

 Jake grabbed her by the waist, she thrashed and kicked. Jake tried calming her down but she seemed to not to be listening. She pulled out her knife, raising it high. Jake let go of her, not wanting to get stabbed by the girl. I shouted, not wanting her to get stabbed. But, as if it wasn't that hard or a big deal, she was on her feet and jumped up at the same time. Looking at the wall, I felt my heart beat. My stomach fluttered. I smiled.

 "She was beautiful, wasn't she Finn?" I said, smiling towards Finn and Jake. 

 "WHAT?!" Yelled both of the males, shocked at what I said. 

 All I could do was smile, I hope I could meet this beautiful girl once more.

*I hope you like this because this took up most of my time, Buh-Bye!*

Adventure Time X Female!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن