Untitled Part 4

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 *So I want to say that I might keep the adventures the same but at the same time I wont have every detail of the whole episodes. Reminder I do not own the characters or anything else. But you*

 Your Pov

I sat on a table. 'It's cold in here', I gazed my eyes over towards Gums. I chose to call Gumball Gums, he doesn't  really seem to mind the nickname. He was testing out my heart rate right now. He doesn't really look to bad with glasses and a lab coat. 

 He looked up to meet my gaze, he smiled and looked back at his math. Smiling is what he seems to do a lot. When he brought into his castle, or kingdom (I don't know what to call it!!!). He would smile and tell me what he was thinking and ask questions. He was really a sweet guy, literally. He was made out of candy, but he was nice towards me. The sun was high up in the sky. 

 "Gums, isn't there other human's?" I questioned, confused as to why I questioned it without thinking. He looked up, he smiled....again. "Well yes, but human's can be different." He paused, then spoke "From their height, their blood, looks........and how strong" He whispered the last part, but I just ignored it for it didn't matter. Looking at the pictures that was hanged up on his wall. The pictures showed the human boy I encountered and that dog. Then my eyes stopped on a certain picture. Gum's was smiling while hugging another girl. She looked like a twin of the human boy. Her eyes was blue and sparkled, she was blushing and so was Gum's. Feeling something in my stomach turn and frowned at the picture. Why was I feeling like this? I don't know, but I don't like it. 

 Looking over at the rest of his friends, Gum's said the testing was over. Jumping off the table I looked at Gum's. Not knowing what  to do, I walked over towards him. He was moving things around on his desk. Grabbing his sleeve I tugged, locking our eyes. "Do you have a garden?" I questioned out, it came out more as a whisper. His face flushed, I looked out the window then at me. "Yes, would you like to go?" He questioned. I smiled nodding my head. Walking away from him, I stopped at the door. Turning my head, "Are you coming or not silly?" I raised an eyebrow. I smiled softly, he looked at me. He soon grew a smile and walked over towards me. He looked at his watch, realizing it was already night. 

 "It's late so no one won't see us, hopefully" He whispered out. My face only brightened up even more. Grabbing his hand. "Lead the way Gum's" I said. He smiled back and lead me into the halls of his Kingdom. He would tell me all about his kingdom and his goals. He would speak about a girl. That would help him out and would save him from time to time. I would feel that unsettling feeling in my stomach, scoffing to myself for the feelings I am feeling. 

 Looking up ahead and you could see a door that was light pink, standing out from the rest of the pink that was in and out of the Kingdom. He looked at me then pushing the doors, that led to a beautiful garden. Full of flowers and tress and many other beauty of nature. My eyes widened, smelling the wonderful flowers and nature scent's. Though a rose caught my eye, looking over towards the flower. I sat down, awing the sight before me. "(Y/n), I'am going to go and do something real quick." He spoke, smiling at me. Looking over towards him I smiled, nodding towards him. Taking my gaze back towards the rose. The rose stand out for its petals was a shade of red. It's beauty, only made me more aroused and fond of the rose. 

 "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Confused and startled by the booming voice coming from behind me. Turning around to find that there was a girl. More like a women, she stood tall. Her hair was pink and very long, her plumped lips frowned towards me, and her beautiful pink eyes flared at my own. Standing up I raised an eyebrow. 'I didn't want to get caught but I don't want to seem weak' I told myself. Standing my ground I looked her in the eyes, showing no emotion was the only best idea I had in mind for now. 

 "Bubblegum?!" I heard from the left, turning I was met with Gum's. He held a box, that was neatly wrapped with a red ribbon. Looking back at "Bubblegum" and it clicked. I saw her on one of the pictures on Gum's wall of friends. Looking over back at Gum's to see him walk over to Bubblegum. They were whispering about probably me. She would narrow her eyes, but soften and giggle towards Gum's. I looked at the ground, I heard one thing that defiantly caught my attention. "She's my friend so stop it" he spoke aggressively. I smiled and blushed lightly. He smiled back and his gaze seemed to just sweeten. She glared at me, hugging his arm. 

 He pulled out of her grip and walked over towards me. He sat next to the rose I was admiring. He apologized and started up a conversation. I smiled and sat next him. Hearing huffing and stomping that slowly faded, noting that she left. "I have something for you" He spoke, blushing. Catching my attention. I looked at him smiling, he was cute when he blushed. He handed the box with the ribbon he had rapped around the box with. Smiling, as much as it sounds weird but, I even though we both just met. We were best's already. He made me laugh, smile, and feel welcome. 

  Smiling, I looked at the box. As he handed the box over, his hand ever so softly made contact with my hand. Blushing light. It felt strange to have this emotion inside of me. Making me feel wanted. Just as I was about to pull the ribbon, I heard a beep come from Gum's watch. His smile fell and came an annoyed expression. He stood up and patted off the dirt from his clothes. 

 "I am dearly sorry, but someone seems to want to see me" He spoke rather angry.  His eyes soften though, "I am truly sorry but may you wait for me?" His eyes brightened as he smiled softly. Blushing I nodded. Looking back the rose as I held the gift. Hearing his soft footsteps fade in the background. 

 Gently petting the rose, as if it could brake if I put to much pressure on it. Closing my eyes and relaxed my muscles. Taking in the familiar scent of sugar, but with nature in as well, Smiling, this was beaut-. *SNAP!* Startled by the sudden sound. I reacted to my instincts and stood tall. Narrowing my eyes to find the source that could be a threat. I grabbed the gift not wanting to get it ruined and to comfort me, I made myself prepared for any sudden attacks. 

 "Woah, Finn wasn't kidding."  Spoke a voice, that came right behind my back. Sending chills that triggered my body. Jumping in the air, as I pulled my leg up. I kicked the person in the face, as they flew back into a tree. Glaring I was met with a pair of eyes.

*That's all*

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