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Jessica fidgeted on her seat when she felt Mrs. Kim’s eyes on her. As if the older woman was examining every strand of hair her scalp managed to grow, making her unconsciously comb her hair with her fingers. She looked over Taeyeon who sat motionless and expressionless beside her, hands laid on her lap, eyes fixed on the television screen. She wanted to hold Taeyeon’s hand so badly for some support, but did otherwise. She let her sight fall back to the movie that was playing on the television screen, not really understanding what the film was about.

She flinched when she felt Mrs. Kim’s hand on hers. She looked up to see the woman smiling at her, offering her a cup of tea.

“You seem uneasy, Jessica. Why don’t you take a sip at this?” Mrs. Kim brought the cup closer to Jessica.

She bowed and smiled awkwardly at the woman before taking the cup of tea. Her nose caught an earthy smell and Jessica feared for the worst since she isn’t a fan of healthy things. She brought the cup up to her mouth without breathing and took a sip at the liquid while Mrs. Kim looked at her expectantly. Jessica swallowed a good amount of the earthly tea but contrary to what she had expected, the tea’s taste was a combination of flower and honey. She smiled before turning to Taeyeon.

“This is really good! Taengoo~ you should try it too!” She chirped happily before taking another sip from her cup, muscles relaxing instantly.

“Wow, Mrs. Kim this is really good.” She complimented, turning back to face Taeyeon’s mother, forgetting all the uneasiness she felt earlier.

Taeyeon smiled and commented on how Jessica hated teas before taking her own cup from the coffee table.

“So, what are you girls up to today?” Mrs. Kim asked while she watched the two girls.

“Err,” Jessica looked over Taeyeon before continuing, “I think I would just have to go home after this movie since Taeyeon needs to finish her valedictory address for next week.”

“Home? Why? It’s too early. Why don’t you help me with my speech instead?” Taeyeon asked with furrowed brows.

“You can do it without me. You know I’m not good with words. And besides, I’ll just distract you.” Jessica grinned cheekily at Taeyeon who blushed in return.

“Or help me bake Taeyeon’s favorite cupcakes instead. What do you say, Jessica?” Taeyeon and Jessica turned to face Mrs. Kim as she spoke. Taeyeon smiled while Jessica hesitated.

“I’d—I’d love that.. Mrs.. Kim.” She spoke in a low, shy voice. Taeyeon sɳιɡɡегed at how unlikely it was for Jessica to act like that.

“Umma, I don’t think that would be a great idea.” Taeyeon chuckled at the memory of Jessica covered with flour in Sunny’s kitchen the morning after prom, screaming those high pitched dolphin-like screams out of frustration, when she tried making cupcakes because Yuri hinted how Taeyeon loves chocolate cupcakes over breakfast. It was cute and sweet though.

“Taengoo~!” Jessica cutely pouted, knowing what was going through her girlfriend’s mind at the moment.

“I am not taking no for an answer, okay? I will just prepare the kitchen. Follow me after a while Jessica, you’ll enjoy this. And Taeyeon, finish that speech of yours.” Mrs. Kim instructed as she rose from the leather covered sofa.

“And please turn that horrible movie off. I don’t even know why you kids would want to watch that.” She added, making the girls laugh because she was the one who chose the movie.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon scooted closer to Jessica as soon as Mrs. Kim disappeared to the kitchen.

Jessica leaned her head against Taeyeon’s shoulder and nodded. “I want to cuddle,” she whispered cutely.

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