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Sooyoung stopped munching on a piece of a pork rib when her cousin’s deep voice caught her attention. She reluctantly tore her eyes away from the food to glare at her cousin.

“Woah, what’s up with the face?” Seunghyun said, sitting on the chair opposite hers.

“What do you need?” Irritation laced the younger Choi’s voice.

“Aw, come on. I don’t get a hello?”

“Hello, dear cousin.” Sooyoung said with much sarcasm then rolled her eyes.

“Aw, you don’t miss oppa? I’ve been away for a while.”

“I know that. That’s why we have this welcome party in the first place, right?” Sooyoung stated nonchalantly as she continued munching on her pork rib.

“Still a shikshin, I see.”

Sooyoung ignored the snide remark and pretended that her cousin wasn’t there in front of her, talking. She doesn’t hate Seunghyun, she just hates it when people interrupt her meal time.

“Listen, Soo..” Seunghyun paused, waiting for the girl to bring her attention back to him.

“Hey, listen up. I just have questions. After that, I won’t be bothering you and your precious meal time, okay?”

Sooyoung looked up to him with annoyance written all over her face. Seunghyun would have been scared for his life if only the question that had been irking his mind wasn’t that important.

“Your question better be important or I swear I’ll cut your ribs and eat it.” The threat was absurd, alright. But Seunghyun couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Who knows what her cousin could do when the girl gets really angry. And hungry.

He swallowed the inexistent saliva down his throat before speaking in a croaked voice, “How is everyone?”

Sooyoung looked at him incredulously.

“That was what you wanted to ask?!”

Seunghyun immediately waved his hands in front of him to stop the younger Choi from murdering him.

“No, no-I mean.. how’s.. Taeyeon?”

Sooyoung’s brow quirked then, confused as to why her cousin would ask about the short girl since she doesn’t have any recollection of the two being close.

“What do you mean how’s Taeyeon?” Her voice had a hint of curiosity that made Seunghyun confused. It had been almost four years; surely the girls had already known of the sperm donation?

“Was it hard? I mean, I heard that it’s more sensitive when you were impregnated through sperm donation.” He hung his head low, trying to hide his blush. Now, he doesn’t have any romantic feelings towards the short girl, but the thought of having a baby with a girl was wonderful. Although he never touched Taeyeon, of course. Jessica only asked him if he could donate a sperm for Taeyeon one day, and he was in no place to reject the girl’s request. Jessica was like a sister to him, after all.

“Wha—what?! Taeyeon? Pregnant? You’re not making sense, oppa!”

Seunghyun then furrowed his brows as he looked at Sooyoung. He was sure that the day she met Jessica at the hospital, they were doing the sperm transplant for Taeyeon. It was odd though, since he didn’t see Taeyeon coming with Jessica. Or maybe the short girl was just late? Since he went out of the hospital as soon as Jessica was called by the nurse and he didn’t hear a word from Jessica or Taeyeon since then.

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