Planning The Scam

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The Ed's then, get ready to get their new scam, started. The kids would pay allot to get tho cards. As they were hard to get. But Eddy, wanted to do something to make the scam, even better. He stood in the corner of Ed's room scratching his chin, trying to cook up some ideas. He said.

"Okay, boys. We gotta think. We're gonna sell these cards. But how are we gonna sell them?"

Edd then started wondering to himself, and looking around Ed's room for ideas. He then noticed a big pack of bubble gum. He then send and remembered their are some Pokemon cards. That come cheap with bubble gum. Edd, then said to Eddy.

"Eddy, I got it. We will sell the cards with bubble gum."

Eddy, was shocked to hear Edd came up with such a good idea. He then replied. "Wow. I could have thought of that. I'm rubbing off on you Double Dee."

Edd then replied

"Oh dear. You're right. I don't know what's gotten into me."

Edd was a bit ashamed. he mostly wanted to do the right thing. And not scam kids out, of their money. He just had not had jawbreakers in a long time. And is dying for some.

Ed then being his dimwitted self, swipes the bubble gum and let's ready to chew on it, while saying.

"Bubble gum! Yum yum!"

Eddy then grabbed the gum back from him, and said.

"For the scam lumpy, remember?"

Ed, then looked for awhile, while putting his finger on his mouth. And scratching his head. He then said to Eddy.

"Scam? Oh scam!"

Ed, was often an idiot. But he would sometimes do or say, something helpfull with Eddy's scams.

Eddy then was thinking to himself. The scam was going good so far. Now they just needed a few things to finish it off. He then talks to Ed, and Eddy about final ideas.

"Okay boys. Things are looking good. What we'll do now, is pack the cards, and the bubble gum in the gum rappers."

Edd then said with a smile.

"I'm liking the sound of this Eddy. But there is still something small missing." Edd then was thinking to himself, while scratching his head. But would be a good way to advertise the cards?

Ed then, being a bit smarter that day, then average. Then jumped for joy as he thought, of an idea. Eddy, said to Edd. "What's lumpy so jumpy about?" Edd, then started to think Ed was hyped, up. From eating to much sugar, maybe. Or watching to much monster movies. Edd then asked Ed, a bit concerned.

"Ed, are you feeling alright?"

Ed, replied to Edd, "Idea for new scam Double Dee!"

Edd then with a big smile said to Eddy.

"Eddy! I'm so proud of Ed, he's coming a long way. Eddy then said. "Yeah yeah, yeah. So let's hear it lumpy." Ed then replied as he pulled crayon's out of his jacket pocket. "We will draw, cute little Pokemon, on bubble gum wrappers Eddy!"

Eddy then said.

"I really like the sound of that! Okay, boys. Let's get to drawing." The Ed's then do different, Pokemon drawings, on the bubble gum wrappers. They then pack the gum with the cards inside. They then use Ed's Table, to put the cards on. They get the scam set up in Ed's front yard. "This scam's gonna put us on easy street boy's. We're gonna be rich." Eddy, Said, while holding the money jar. Eddy, then replied, while setting the cards on the table. "It's all fun and games, Intel one get's beat up, by one's younger sibling."

Meanwhile, Sarah, was visiting at Jimmy's house playing. They were in Jimmy's room, playing with Jimmy's stuffed animals. "This, is fun! After we're done, you want to go back and play at my house?" Sarah said. Jimmy nodded "yes"

The Ed's had already sold a number of cards, so far, to Johnny, and Rolf, and they were getting a good amount of money. But things would soon get bad. As the kanker sisters, were making their way to the stand. An Sarah, and Jimmy, were on their way back!

That's all for this chapter. I will get to work on chapter 3 real soon.

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