Part 1

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"Iruka sensei," called the headmaster of Konoha academy.
Iruka stopped and turned around to face the headmaster still holding some books in his hands.
"Sorry to disturb you," apologized the headmaster.
"It's okay, sir. Is there a problem?" asked Iruka.
"There is a new teacher today. She will teach the genjutsu. Can you tell her to see me when she arrive?" asked the headmaster.
"Sure. What's her name?" asked Iruka.
"Naori. Haku Naori," answered the academy.
"I will tell her when she come," answered Iruka.

Iruka was writing in the teacher's room when he heard someone walked in.
"Ee..etoo.. Excuse me. I'm the new teacher here," said the person who walked in.
Iruka turned around then smiled. He saw a lady stood in front of the door. Her hair was black that tied loosely. Her face was pale and framed by her hair bangs perfectly. Her eyes were special. Her right eye was black, but her left eye was purple. Iruka greeted her tenderly, "Naori san, isn't it?"
Naori nodded, "yes. It's me. Ee.. Etoo.. What should i do for now?" asked Naori.
"Oh, the headmaster asked you to meet him when you arrived," told Iruka as he stood up.
"Oh... Thank you,.."
"Oh. I'm Iruka. Umino Iruka," answered Iruka, "do you know the headmaster office?"
Naori grinned sheepishly, "no, Iruka san. Can you give me the direction?" asked Naori.
"I will take you there. I have to deliver this report too to the headmaster," answered Iruka.
"Thank you so much, Iruka san. I'm sorry to bother you," replied Naori as she bowed down.
" Don't be. Follow me, Naori san," asked Iruka.

Naori and Iruka were walking toward the headmaster office when Iruka saw Shikamaru walked from the headmaster office direction.
"Shikamaru," called Iruka.
"Ah.. Iruka sensei.. How are you?" asked Shikamaru.
"Been good. What's wrong?" asked Iruka.
"Nothing actually, i just took a report about the candidate for the new headmaster," answered Shikamaru.
"I see. Have you got it?" asked Iruka.
"Yes, sensei. Well, i have to leave for now. See you, sensei," greeted Shikamaru as he walked toward the front gate.
Iruka nodded as he and Naori walked toward the headmaster office.

"Iruka sensei... Wait," called Naori as she ran toward Iruka.
Iruka stopped his walking as he waited for Naori.
"Thank you for helping me on my first day," thanked Naori as she smiled happily.
"It's nothing, Naori san. I never saw you before. Are you from Konoha?" asked Iruka.
"No, Iruka sensei. I'm not from Konoha. I'm from a small village in water nation," answered Naori.
"Then, what bring you here?" asked Iruka.
"Well.. Eto.. Actually, i want to study more about medic in fire nation since you have great medic nin," answered Naori.
"Ahh.. I see.. I hope you can learn many things. And, thank you for teaching here. We really need a genjutsu teacher," responded Iruka.
"No.. It should be my words. I'm really glad that i can teach here," replied Naori happily, "well, i have to prepare myself for tomorrow, sensei. Thank you for today. See you tomorrow," Naori said as she walked out of the academy.

Naori looked up to the sky then sighed, "what will they do if they know that i'm not a water nation shinobi? What will they do if they find out that i ran away from my village? What will they do when they find out that my father once was a Konoha enemy? They will put me in prison. Or worse. They will send me back to my village," thought Naori as she stop walking and sat on the river bank. She looked at the horizon as the sun set on the west, "i wish i was a Konoha Shinobi. I could live peacefully," thought Naori as she put her chin to her knees, "Naori.. Your life for now is only a dream. You becoming teacher, living peacefully in Konoha. It's a dream, Naori. And it will end. It will end when they found out about who you are," told Naori to herself as she went deeper into her thought as she stared at the surface of the river.
"Hah.. A quiet night," said  Kakashi as he sat next to Naori.
Naori looked at her side.
"Why i think i've seen your face before?" asked Naori to Kakashi.
Kakashi pulled down his mask and smiled to Naori.
Naori smiled back to him, "have we met? I felt i've seen your face before," asked Naori.
Kakashi chuckled, "maybe. Are you new here?" asked Kakashi.
Naori smiled then nodded, "i see that you are konoha shinobi," answered Naori as she pointed to Kakashi's hitaiate.
Kakashi nodded, "what about you? Where are you from?"
"I..i'm from a small village in water nation. I come here to learn about medical ninjutsu," lied Naori.
"Ahh.. I see. Where's your hitaiate?" asked Kakashi.
Naori gulped, "e..eto.. Actually my hitaiate was lost on my way here," lied Naori, "beside, i can't use my hitaiate at all here. Since i'm teaching in Konoha academy."
"You teach in our academy?" asked Kakashi.
Naori smiled and nodded, "i apply for the genjutsu teacher. I heard there's not many genjutsu type here since the great ninja war."
Kakashi nodded, "yes. Many shinobis passed away from the war," answered Kakashi.
Naori looked at Kakashi, "you went to war too?"
Kakashi nodded, "what about you?"
Naori smiled then stood up, "i have to go now. See you," Naori said as she ran away from Kakashi.
"Wait! What's your name?" asked Kakashi loudly.
"Naori! Haku Naori!" answered Naori as she ran away.
"Haku? Naori?" thought Kakashi, "where i've heard that surname before?"

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