Part 4

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Naori was giving her extra class with Yuri in the field behind the academy when suddenly Naori was summoned by the headmaster.
"Yuri chan, can you continue training by yourself? I'm needed by the headmaster," asked Naori softly.
Yuri nodded, "sure, sensei."
"I will come back after i finish, okay?" asked Naori as she leaped to the building.
Yuri nodded then continue to control her chakra.
Not long after, Naori came back seeing no one on the field.
"Yuri chan?" called Naori as she looked for her.
"Yuri chan!" called Naori again, "did she went home already?" asked Naori as she run toward Yuri's home. Naori knocked her door. But nobody opened it. Naori looked inside from the window. Nobody's inside.
"She lives alone since her parents death. Where is she?" asked Naori as she went back to the field.
"Yuri chan!" called Naori loudly as she looked into the forest. There, she saw a masked man with her village hitaite.
Naori's eyes widened, "where is my student?" asked Naori.
The man threw a bag to Naori. Naori's eyes widened seeing Yuri's bag.
"Where is she!" asked Naori angrily.
The masked man pulled down his mask showing his pale face fully. His eyes were purple. Just like Naori's left eye. He looked at Naori, "you know what i'm capable of doing, don't you?"
Naori's eyes widened seeing him, "nii-san."
"You have to come to take her by yourself," asked her brother.
Naori's eyes widened, "please nii san. She know nothing about me. Please let her go," begged Naori.
Her brother looked at Naori's hitaiate, "so, you are a Konoha shinobi now? Wow. Congratulation, Naori. The traitor has found her new hone. Well, come to our place. You know where it is, don't you? Or, Yuri chan won't see another sunlight," her brother said as he disappear.
Naori kneeled down to the ground as she hugged Yuri's bag, "it's all my mistake."

Naori looked at Hokage's monument sadly. She leaped up to the gate and disappear into the forest.
Naori walked into their hidden place and made a hand seal to open the seal, "kai". The big stone opened as the cave was lighten with the dim light.
"You've come," her brother said as he sat on a stone chair.
"Please.. Release my student," begged Naori, "where is she?"
Her brother looked at the corner of the room. Yuri was in a genjutsu.
Naori ran toward Yuri immediately then hugged her tight.
"You know she won't be able to break my genjutsu, don't you? And, you know what i do in the genjutsu, don't you?" asked her brother.
Naori looked at her brother, "nii san, i've come here. Please let her go."
"I will, Naori. With one condition," answered her brother.
"What is it?" asked Naori.
"All information about Konoha Hokage. I will take revenge of our father and our village. Konoha made us suffered, Naori. They attacked our village after killed our father," answered her brother.
"But, it's father's mistake, nii san. He tried to attack sandaime Hokage," answered Naori.
"For us to live, Naori. He just wanted to use sandaime Hokage to be the hostage so the Konoha will send us money for their Hokage!" answered her brother angrily.
Naori looked at her brother sadly, "i'd rather die than eat from that money, nii san."
"Yes. And our father die in Konoha shinobi hand! And they also attack our village!" answered her brother angrily.
"This world is at peace, nii san! No more war in our village too! We should live in peace. Not like this!" answered Naori.
"Peace? I will be in peace when i killed their Hokage now," answered her brother, "but, now, i will kill their future," added her brother as he walked toward Yuri as he took his kunai.
Naori blocked her brother's kunai with her kunai, "don't you dare to touch her," answered Naori as she released Yuri from genjutsu.
"How dare you!" her brother said as he leap back from Naori.
Yuri opened her eyes seeing Naori, "sensei.."
"Ssst.. Yuri chan. You will be okay. Will you trust sensei?" asked Naori.
Yuri nodded as she hugged Naori.
Naori looked at her brother with a kunai in her hand.
"One move, and you will die, Naori," said her brother.
"Try me," answered Naori as she made a hand seal with one hand, "kuchiyose no jutsu," suddenly many ravens appeared attacking her brother as Naori hold Yuri then run away from the cave.

"Stop right there, Ms. Haku," Naori was surrounded by her village shinobi as her brother already run after her.
Naori opened her eyes then put all the shinobis in genjutsu. They stood in their place.
"Yuri chan. You have to run to Konoha," Naori made a hand seal then a raven appeared, "this is Kuro. He will take you to Konoha."
"But sensei..." Yuri looked at Naori sadly.
"Sensei will be fine. Yuri chan trust sensei, right?" asked Naori softly as she ruffled her hair.
Yuri nodded sadly as Kuro fly up above Yuri.
Naori smiled, "be careful, okay?"
Yuri nodded as she wiped her tears.
"Go now. Before they wake up. Sensei will hold them," asked Naori.
"But sensei!"
"Go Yuri!" asked Naori as she pushed Yuri away.
Yuri nodded then run away following Kuro as her tears dropped to the ground.

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