The Hogwarts Express

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 "Remus! Get that compartment!" James shouted down the train at ear deafening volume.

"Please James, can you try not to burst my ear drums this year? I kind of need them for my N.E.W.T's." Persephone said to her twin brother as she bustled her way into the compartment alongside him, and settling herself on to a seat in the corner, opposite Remus, who, of course, already had his nose buried in a book. 

"Persy, get out! You aren't sitting with us." James said, stretching himself out along the row and placing his feet on Persephone.

"Oh come on James. She can stay if she wants." Sirius suggested, putting his hand behind his head and leaning backwards on to the compartment wall.

"Urr ... cheers Black. But if brother Jamesy doesn't want me here, I'll go and find Lily and we'll sit somewhere else." Persephone declared, before standing and exiting the compartment, shutting the door, maybe a little too loud, behind her. She was a little startled by the fact that Sirius had tried to make her stay, seeing as he has never really had the best feelings towards her and, seeing as he was her brother's best friend, they weren't very friendly, or in fact, civil towards one another, ever.

"Hey Lily!" Persy said brightly as she stepped into their compartment. Lily, her Ravenclaw friend Rodie and Severus Snape were all sat around this compartment, Snape's head buried in a book, looking uncannily like Remus had done just seconds earlier.

"Oh, has your delightful twin, kicked you out of the compartment for the third year running?" Lily asked, smirking a little.

"Indeed! But Black said that I could stay, and if I'm honest I thought he'd be the one kicking me out of the door." Persy exclaimed, sitting down next to Lily. 

"Really? He's been a bit off recently. I think, you know, with his brother and all, he wouldn't be in the best of moods, I mean, I wouldn't be." Rodie said, lowering her voice a little, before her eyes darted up to the compartment door.

"Talking about Regulus, were we?" Lucius Malfoy leered into the compartment, his sheet of white blond hair, falling just over his shoulder as his sharp white face, came into the room.

"Yeah, were you talking about me?" Regulus tried to back up, even though he was a year younger than Persephone and Lily, but he was trying to intimidate them, in some way, shape or form.

"Not everything is about you, Regulus." Persy replied, looking a little bored by the whole situation as she played with her chipping nail polish.

"Answer our question. C'mon Mudblood! Do you not have anything to say on the matter? Or would you prefer to keep your little dirty mouth shut." Lucius remarked, his eyes scanning over Lily. 

"That's out of order." Persy stated, standing up and whipping her wand from inside her robes. 

"Do you think you intimidate me, Potter?" Lucius hissed, taking out his own wand. 

"No, I know I do." Persy retorted, before sending a silent Stunning Spell straight at Lucius as he fell crumpled to the ground, "Now, do you want to call my friend a mudblood?" She asked, leering over him. 

"This isn't the end of this Potter!" Lucius shouted, being hauled from the ground by his followers/minions before scurrying off down the hallway with Regulus, Crabbe and Goyle. Someone clapped disjointedly and slowly from the other side of the corridor and Persephone's head shot up like a rocket to find Sirius strutting down the aisle towards her. 

"Impressive." He declared, sounding surprised and leaning against the wall. 

"Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think you'll find my delightful twin is looking for you." Persy said, gesturing behind his shoulder at James before disappearing back into the compartment. 

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