Detention? Yeah right.

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Persephone sat down on the stone floor outside of Gryffindor Tower and waited for Lily to appear from the other side of the portrait. It took only around three minutes before the familiar red hair of Lily Evans walked from the Gryffindor common room and out into the corridor.

"Persy?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl sitting on the floor next to her. 

"I forgot the password." Persy sighed, before giggling a little and biting her lip.

"I swear you forget the password almost every year, Pers." She replied, before grasping both of her hands and pulling her up to stand beside herself. She tucked a strand of red hair behind her pale-skinned ear and strolled off towards breakfast in the Great Hall with Persephone. 

They sat down together near the end of the table and helped themselves to toast and eggs. 

"Oh, yes. And for future reference, the password's Flitterbloom." Lily said, taking a bite out of toast and jam. 

"Thank you! So, head girl! Here comes the new timetable!" Persy exclaimed, less than enthusiastic with the approach of Professor McGonagall. 

"Hello girls. Here are your timetables for this year! If you have any problems please come to me." McGonagall stated, before handing the girls their timetables and gliding back down the table. 

"Brilliant. Charms, Double Potions, Transfiguration then Herbology." Lily sighed, before placing her timetable next to her plate and popping her egg yolk a little too hard so it splattered on to her timetable. She groaned, before whipping out her wand and to begin siphoning the yellow off of the red paper. 

"Are you kidding?! That's not bad for a first day! I have Charms, Double History of Magic, Potions then Herbology." Persy replied, throwing her timetable, so it slid across the table and landed in the hands of Sirius Black. 

"Hey James. Looks like we have the same as your sister today, except for Potions!" Sirius smirked, his eyes gliding across the timetable. 

"Give it back, Black." Persy growled, before snatching her timetable out of his hands, "Oh, and you have some lipstick on you face." 

"Not just on my face." Sirius smirked, wiping the red patch off of the corner of his mouth. 

"Your honestly disgusting Sirius, I don't know how James can be around you sometimes." Lily said rather loudly before pushing herself away from the table and heading out of the door at the back of the hall. 

"Lily! Lily, wait! Urrgh! See what you've done now Black. I'm utterly stunned how Andromeda can stay with you when you can't even keep your mind on one thing. Including her." Persy stung, before storming off out of the door after Lily. 

"What was all that about?" Andromeda purred into Sirius' ear, wrapping her arms around his waist. 

"Nothing ... it was about nothing." Sirius muttered, staring at where Lily and Persephone had just left and a flash of hurt crossing his grey eyes, before he turned around and pulled Andromeda into his arms. 


It was about five weeks into the year now at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Monday came around again. Charms went particularly quickly for Persy, but probably because she was one of the best students and she had the most  boring lesson next. She exited the Charms classroom last, and strolled slowly towards the fourth floor, where History of Magic would take place. 

"Miss Potter, you're late." Professor Binns droned. 

"Sorry sir." Persy replied, taking her seat towards the back of the class opposite the Ravenclaw girl who Lily had been sat by on the train and next to Remus. Remus smiled at her, before turning his attention back to Professor Binns. About ten minutes later, James and Sirius stumbled into the classroom in a fit of laughter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2012 ⏰

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