Chapter 9You woke up for real this time.
The headache that had plagued you some time ago had subsided, but it was still there. The pain more of a dull ache then anything else.
The memories of suddenly "passing out" in the middle of the cafeteria begrudgingly came back.
You remembered levi being there- Levi.
Levi had been the one to catch you while falling.
Funny. You mused. Seems like Levi's always the one there to catch me.
Wait what?
Wasn't this the first time that he actually "caught me?"
How come this all seems so familiar?
What the-
Wait a minute...where the hell am I?
You sat up and glanced around; quickly realizing you weren't in your room.
There was a large wooden desk in the middle of the room, and the exit door stood farther off to the side on the opposite wall.
A long dark dark blue couch sat to the side on the wall besides the door. There was a small table besides it.
You craned your neck to see what was on your left side.
A matching wooden nightstand was there, along with a tall glass full of a clear liquid that could only be water.
A large window was beside it. The curtains gently swaying in the wind. Pockets of sunlight shone through the thin material; setting the scene to be calm and pleasant.
You slowly turned over to the right. The bed you were laid upon creaking ever so slightly.
A figure was beside you. Pale skin was visible here and there from beneath the blanket that the two of you seemingly shared. A dark head was also barely visible; strands of silky short hair being sprawled out lazily and messily across the pillow it was laid upon.
You stared in slight confusion at the head before reaching a curious arm up to withdraw the blankets.
The figure suddenly moved, causing you to quickly withdraw your hand.
A pale arm snaked its way up from underneath the blankets to wrap firmly around your waist. With a swift and gentle tug, they managed to pull you down to their bare and warm chest.
A sleepy looking head laid itself on the nook of your neck, it's chin resting softly on your shoulder.
You let out a sigh of relief after turning your head slightly to find the identity of your "partner".
"Captain." You whispered in a soft yet harsh tone in an attempt to wake the man.
When he didn't reply you tried again, "Ahem. Captain."
You sighed. You're patience rising. It's not like you didn't have a problem with it, but now wasn't really the time. Not after your "strange" dreams that somehow kept leaving him as the main subject.
"Captain. Corporal. Heichou?!"
He let out a murmur of something that resembled "shut up I'm trying to sleep."
"Levi!" You said in loud and frustrated tone that immediately set the arm around your waist recoiling.
He bolted upwards in a sitting position, his eyes halfway closed and hair in a jumble of a mess.

FanfictionAn Attack on Titan fanfic. I don't really know how to describe the story, but you'll find out. The beginning might suck but it gets waay better haha! Prepare from some major feels attacks and some minor nosebleeds!