Chapter 11"Pleeaassseee (f/n)!" Squealed the overly excited goggle wearing brunette.
"Han-" She cut you off.
"Oh c'mon! You rarely ever go out and and and this time everyone's going to be there!"
"Everyone?" You questioned while arching an eyebrow.
"Well, except Levi since god knows what the hell he does all alone here but that's not the point." She said rather quickly.
You crossed your arms and leaned heavily on your doorframe. The fact that Levi wasn't coming to "Hanji's night out" didn't exactly surprise you. As he wasn't that much of a people pleaser, but then again neither were you; without the exception of your superiors and the 104th.
"So by everyone Hanji, you mean you're going to be taking my class, the 104th, a bunch of 15-17 year olds, out for drinks?"
The scientist woman nodded feverishly.
"Hanji you do realize they're all underaged right?"
"Oh that's fine, doesn't matter," she replied while waving a hand dismissively, "I had Erwin pull a few strings, whoever's parents are still alive won't know a thing...and that's only a few of you."
You sighed internally, raising a hand to massage your temples. That headache had appeared again. The pain disappearing once every few hours but reappearing just as soon. And along with the "fresh" bouts of pain came that tantalizingly large forgetful feeling; that you had no idea how to fix.
"(F/n)????" Spoke the brunette in front of you.
"Y-yeah," You replied immediately straightening and dropping your hand from your /aching/ head.
"Something the matter cadet?"
"N-no no, I'm fine Hanji. Just a headache." You gave her your best "I'm totally ok you can leave now" smile, which she didn't seem to buy.
"Y'knoooowww, I'm practically a doctor (f/n)." You cringed at the thought of where this was going. "If you choose not to tell me, I'll be forced to find out on my own..." She trailed off deviously, the sunlight from the window in your room behind you glared across her glasses; briefly flashing dramatically in your eyes.
"No, it's fine Hanji. Just a headache." You replied passively, mentally willing her to leave.
She put a hand to your forehead, "Awee (f/n) you're not getting a fever are you?"
"It's just a passing thing Hanji, it's fine really."
The scientist put a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Are you sure (f/n)? You can tell me anything, and like I said; I'm a doctor after all."
You bit your lip thoughtfully.
I need someone to talk to, I don't have many options either...
You looked around, making sure no one else was lingering out in the hallway before hesitantly yet swiftly grabbing onto Hanji's forearm and pulling her into your room. You shut the door behind you and leaned heavily on the wood.
There was silence as the woman stared at you in confusion and slight shock. You must've had a mad look in your eye cause you could've sworn you saw her take a step back.
You looked down. "I need help."
She took a step forward and cocked her head slightly to the side.
"I've been-seeing and feeling these..these things."
"What kind of things?"
"Since last week I've been having this terrible oncoming headache. It goes away for about 5-30min but then shoots back again. And with the headache there's this fucking forgetful feeling that I can NEVER seem to shake off."

FanfictionAn Attack on Titan fanfic. I don't really know how to describe the story, but you'll find out. The beginning might suck but it gets waay better haha! Prepare from some major feels attacks and some minor nosebleeds!