chapter 1

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It seemed like it was just another day in the Netherworld, though, Drell had summoned someone into his office. The person summoned was a little nervous because of how the warlock could be sometimes and feared the worst. Once the conversation was held and talked down to, he felt a little calmer, especially since it was in his school, but was somewhat of a simple task just to see how he could do, plus possibly make a new friend.

"So... You want me to do what?" Casper asked the warlock, sitting across from him in a tiny chair from the man's larger desk to pronounce his authority in The Supernatural Realm.

"You have to help this girl in your school named Jamie Grover, I'm sure you've heard of her?" Drell replied.

"Jamie Grover..." Casper repeated until he thought of who that could be in his new school ever since he was adopted by Patrick and Emily. "Doesn't her mother run the town paper?"

"Nancy? Yes," Drell replied and he took out a newspaper article from the future. "Take a look at this."

Casper took the paper and read it aloud, seeing the headline which got his attention rather quickly. He could see two parents with five babies in their arms. "'The Grover Family'? But, where's Jamie?"

"That's the thing, this is one of those 'be careful what you wish for' stories," Drell told the former ghost boy, he then showed him a picture of the girl he needed to help. "Jamie's an only child and her parents fuss over her, so Jamie wishes she wasn't an only child anymore, so her mother gives birth to quintuplets."

"Quintuplets?!" Casper's eyes widened. "Is that humanly possible?!"

"Of course it is, Casper, for mortals and immortals, anything is possible, especially with the world we live in," Drell replied. "Her story reminds me a bit of that of Vapor Trail."

Casper didn't need to overthink that due to the many visits in Equestria the family has spent since Patrick and Emily were old friends of Twilight Velvet and Night Light: AKA Twilight Sparkle's parents. "Isn't she that pegasus whose parents kinda stalked her and she soon ran away before finding Sky Stinger?" he then asked, just to make sure.

"That's her all right," Drell nodded. "Only, Vapor Trail never made a wish like that, and you have to help Jamie. Be her friend, support her."

"Um... I guess I could try that..." Casper shrugged. "I don't know her that well, but I sometimes see her in classes in school."

"Well, you are always trying to make new friends," Drell smirked. "It'll just be fun for you to go without people screaming 'GHOST!'."

"Ugh, do you have to remind me of that?" Casper groaned and held his head.

"Yes..." Drell replied. "Now, go!"

There was then a poof cloud which sent Casper back home to where he was and he coughed before looking around to see he was back home. Not Whipstaff Manor home of course, but home with the Fudo family.

"Hey, kid." A voice said.

Casper looked over and saw his two companions ever since the adventure with Aladdin. "Oh, hey, Yoyo and Doc Croc." he then greeted.

"It go okay at that guy's office?" Doc Croc asked.

"Yeah, a little bit," Casper replied. "I have to help Jamie Grover."

"Who's he?" Yoyo asked.

"Actually, she's a girl, and she goes to my school," Casper replied. "Apparently her mom's gonna have five babies."

"Five babies?!" Yoyo and Doc Croc gasped.

"Yeah, apparently I have to help her and support her, be a friend to her..." Casper replied. "Seems a little too simple. I thought I was gonna do something cool like fight a dragon or whatever."

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