chapter 5

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"Cutie Pants Diapers?" Casper asked Jamie as he heard about what had happened lately. Jamie had mentioned a rather sleazy man came to the door to give them a bunch of diapers and money to for 'The Quints'.

"You got it." Jamie replied.

"Well, they are the first quintuplets born in the state." Casper said.

"Uh-huh..." Jamie nodded as they walked together. "Also, that plus Dad's salary, paid for the sitters, but remember, this is my story."

"Yes, Jamie..." Casper hid an eye roll to that.

"Well, Albert, like Fiona, helped me out in unexpected ways." Jamie said.

"Hm... Well, that's good to know." Casper said in relief for her.

Eventually, a red car pulled up to show a certain man who suddenly arrived as if on cue. "Jamie, can I talk to you for a second?" He then asked the girl.

"Sure." Jamie shrugged.

"You know, for us to really sell your brothers and sisters, we need to focus exclusively on The Quints," Albert told her as he came out of his car. "Now, if you're gonna feel left out, I need for you to tell me, because I want the whole family happy after all."

"Actually, that sounds pretty good." Jamie admitted.

"That's the spirit!" Albert smiled to her. "You know, this could be good for you."

"How would that be?" Casper asked.

"Well, she'll have more time to do things she likes, while we all work hard at home. Okay? Good." Albert replied before going inside of the house.

"Man, and I thought Uncle Stretch was sleazy." Casper muttered.

"Hmm..." Jamie hummed suspiciously before walking down the street with Casper.

Later on, after school in Art Club...

"So, how has Albert helped you exactly?" Casper asked Jamie as he drew Imaginary Man fighting Nemasis with Super Power Man.

"He's made me think about who I really was," Jamie said before showing her drawing to him and Zoe. "Spooky."

Casper cupped his mouth with a snicker as Jamie had drawn her house filled with diapers.

"That's exactly what your house looks like these days," Zoe laughed at the drawing. "What a mess!"

"You know what, guys?" Jamie smiled. "I really like this! Isn't that weird?"

"No, it's good, and you're good at it." Zoe smiled back.

"Yeah." Casper nodded in agreement.

"Really? Thanks." Jamie smiled to them.

"Oh, I see, it's not enough when I tell you you're good, nooo, you have to hear it from your friends." Mr. Blackmer said to Jamie.

"You're a teacher, you have to be nice." Jamie chuckled.

"No, no, I'm a teacher; I don't have to be anything," Mr. Blackmer replied as he took a look at the drawing for himself. "The truth is, my friend, that you have talent."

"Okay, so I have talent, and I like art, but now what?" Jamie replied. "I mean, this is all new to me."

"Well, ain't it great?" Zoe smiled. "This is what you were hoping for when The Quints came."

"It was?" Jamie asked her.

Zoe simply nodded.

"I think she might be right about that." Casper agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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