chapter 4

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Jamie of course enjoyed having quintuplet brothers and sisters around since they kept her parents busy. However, just like in those stories where you finally get that wish you've always wanted, there's a price. When the Grover family came home, there was a crowd waiting for them. It was so bad though that Jamie's parents forgot her, so she and Casper had to take a taxi cab back to the house.

Jamie brought Casper into the nursery as the five babies cooed in their new beds and settled into their new home. In Jamie's words, not bad, totally bogus, but not bad. However, the downside settled in as one baby soon cried which made the four others cry along. It was soon chaos in the Grover household with five newborn babies to take care of and five times the babies made five times the headaches from their crying and whining.

"So, do you feel different?" Zoe asked Jamie as she came into school.

"I feel like drinking coffee." Jamie shrugged.

"Okay, fine, but after the baby nurse starts today, why is your life gonna be so much better?" Brad asked.

"That's a good question." Casper agreed.

"I don't know... Well, maybe without my parents watching my every move, I can get into Magnet." Jamie replied. "You know, work my way in."

"That's it?" Brad asked her. "Don't get me wrong, I want you to join me at GW, but that's really what you wanna do with your freedom?"

"Yeah... Isn't it?" Jamie replied.

"I dunno, you tell me." Casper said.

"Hmm..." Jamie hummed in thought as she didn't feel so sure anymore ever since Adam, Becky, Charlie, Debbie, and Eddie had been born.

Casper, Brad, and Zoe soon looked concerned and saw a teacher walk by.

"Yo, Mr. B!" Zoe called out.

Mr. Blackmer looked over and smiled as they came to him.

"Why should Jamie do now that she has five brothers and sisters?" Zoe asked.

"Uh... Learn to make pancakes?" Mr. Blackmer shrugged with an amused smile.

"Seriously, like, with her life, sir." Casper told the man.

"You know, here at school." Zoe added.

"Oh, that's easy: join Art Club." Mr. Blackmer suggested.

"Why?" Jamie asked.

"Well, sometimes I work hypothetically, and I think hypothetically, that you might like Art Club," Mr. Blackmer replied. "Sometimes I work alphabetically, and Art starts with an 'A'."

"But I'm not good in your class, so why join Art Club?" Jamie asked. "My heart just isn't into Art. You said so yourself."

"So much for that." Casper said to himself.

"Where is your heart, Jamie?" Mr. Blackmer smiled.

Jamie looked down a moment. This made Zoe and Brad also look to her as they wondered what she was thinking.

"Ah, well, when you answer that question, then you'll know exactly what to do," Mr. Blackmer advised. "But in the meantime, Art Club can be fun, and the best thing is 'no grades'."

"That is the best thing." Zoe smiled and nodded.

Jamie then smiled back to her.

"Plus, I hear the guy who runs it is pretty cool." Mr. Blackmer then smirked.

Zoe then waved her hand in a so-so fashion.

"Heeey..." Mr. Blackmer said to her before handing Jamie a paper. "Here."

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