chapter 3

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It was Friday night which was the night of the big science fair at the middle school. Mo was combing Casper's hair after he wore a cute little suit so he would look professional. He wasn't entering, but he was coming for support for Jamie.

"Thanks for the help, Mo." Casper smiled.

"It's no problem, Casper," Mo smiled back. "I guess I could put a little fashion sense to the test since Elizabeth has been helping me out a bit, though I'm not as fashionable as Rarity."

"You're fine the way you are, you don't think the suit's too much, do you?" Casper asked.

"No, I think you're just right, it's a nice event in school," Mo replied. "By the way, what's this Jamie girl's project anyway?"

"Something about Cold Fusion." Casper said.

"That sounds amazing for a thirteen-year-old." Mo commented.

"Yeah, she's pretty smart." Casper admitted.

Soon enough, Casper was ready to go. Atticus took Casper into his car and drove him down to the school. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad, though Casper was wondering when the quintuplets would come into the story like he was told about. Eventually, they pulled up to the school and Casper unhooked his seat-belt and came out of the door to go see Jamie.

"Have fun." Atticus smiled.

"Thanks, Atticus, I'll tell you all about it later." Casper smiled back.

Atticus then went to drive away for now until he would pick up Casper to bring him back home.

Casper came into the school and went into the auditorium where the science fair was.

"Oh, hi, Casper." Jamie smiled, she wore her hair down with blue scrunchies in her pigtails, and a cute blue outfit with a black vest.

"Hey, Jamie," Casper smiled back before looking to her. "Wow, you look nice."

"Thanks, I'm just surprised my parents aren't here, they couldn't make it." Jamie said.

"Oh, I wonder why?" Casper replied as that seemed unusual since Jamie's parents were kind of 'helicopter parents' as they always hovered over her.

"I dunno," Jamie shrugged. "Judging will be soon though."

"Well, I wish you a lot of luck," Casper supported. "I'm glad I could help you the other night."

"I'm glad you did too," Jamie smiled. "That really meant a lot to me especially since Brad was too busy with his own project."

"What was his project?" Casper asked.

"Something about electromagnetic power." Jamie said.

"Whoa..." Casper said as that sounded quite advanced.

"I know, right?" Jamie replied.

Eventually, the students had to line up and explain their projects to the judges. Jamie was a little nervous, but having Casper there with her made her feel a little bit better. The two smiled to each other with high hopes that the project would win. The suspense was killing them both and Jamie even seemed to grab Casper's hand, gently squeezing it.

'And the winner is...' The PA announcer began before revealing that Jamie had not won. 'Bradley Brown for his Electromagnetic Power Project!'

The audience then applauded for him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Jamie." Casper frowned.

"That's okay," Jamie replied. "Thanks for coming and helping me out."

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