Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Everyone was walking out of the room in one large mass. It was lunch time and Melissa was hungry. Her stomach had been growling through the last hour of orchestra. She stretched and walked out. Ren had apparently stumbled across the 'best lunch spot ever' on the way to class. He took the crew up a flight of stairs.

"Balcony seating for the Rinkside Cafe club. Courtyard view included!" Ren sat down at the metal table.

The lunch spot was amazing. It was quiet and they didn't have to worry about finding a shaded spot outside.The center was decorated with bright blue hydrangeas. The green grass grew nicely around the sidewalks. Melissa took her phone out and took a picture of the view. "I heard the freshman have to sit in the cafeteria." She texted the picture of the courtyard gardens to her mom and took a seat.

Ren and Indie clutched their sides in laughter. "The only reason why they sit inside is because they would destroy the flower beds and tear up the grass." Indie sputtered out.

"They are monsters that get worse every year." Ren lifted his water bottle to his lips. "So what's for lunch?"

"Everything coach tells us not to eat." Indie pushed her glasses up and opened her lunch box. She wasn't lying either. Two bags of potato chips, a large and thick brownie, and a large sandwich sat inside.

Melissa sighed remembering the times when she would get caught sneaking in an In-N-Out burger. Her coach had walked in to pick up some fries and spotted her with a large meal. Melissa opened her lunch, "Just a turkey sandwich and some fruit." She took her uniform jacket off before eating. The Florida heat was already getting to her.

Everyone ate their food rather quickly. Melissa smiled at her mom's text reply. "Let's get a picture for my mom." She turned the camera function on.

Ren stuck his hand out, "I'll take it. You're too short to get my head in." He took her phone and snapped a few pictures.

Melissa glared at him, "Don't you dare call me short." It took a moment for her to compose herself and her thoughts. "So, music."

"Oh yeah! I wanted to ask about what was up earlier." Indie threw her trash out, "Was it bad?"

"No." Melissa shook her head, "It was just about section placement for classes." She sighed, "This always happens, so it isn't a big deal."She had been accustomed to being asked about what she was going to play. Music directors always stood baffled when she explained her musical profile. It was something that became normal. "I settled for the clarinet. I'm not super confident about flute or violin yet."

Indie laughed, "You make that sound like its nothing." She popped a piece of chocolate into her mouth.

"It's something I have been doing longer than skating. Hey, I'll be back." Melissa pulled out a tissue from her jacket pocket. She wiped the few sweat beads off of her forehead and stood up. She picked up her trash and threw it away before walking inside. Outside was humid, too humid. Or at least that was her excuse. The fact she was replacing her old friends was tearing her apart.

She didn't want her past to go away. Let alone all the friends she has back in the pit of the desert. Ren and Indie felt like replacements for her rink and school family.

Melissa wandered into the restroom and splashed some cold water on her face to snap herself back into reality. She looked at her reflection for the first time in months. Her light tanned skinned had gone pale. Large dark bags sat under her eyes. No wonder people stayed away from her. Her own reflection scared her. Her curly mop of a bun was starting to fall out. Little wisps of brown hair stuck out in all directions.

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