Saving Her

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Camila was at the supermarket picking up ingredients for a new dish she was attempting to make tonight. When she bumped into someone, she stumbled back a bit but he caught her before she could fall.

"Oi my bad, wasn't watching where I was going" the handsome man said.
"It's okay I'm clumsy" she said laughing,
Kj couldn't help but stare at this girl. She was beautiful, black hair, eye lashes that framed her beautiful brown eyes. But her eyes looked empty and sad, they looked like they held fear or worry.
"I'm Kj" he announced holding his hand out for a friendly handshake. She smiled shaking his hand "Camila". Her sleeve rolled down her arm when she went to shake his hand. Revealing a few bruises, he frowned looking at her arm, her face heated before pulled her sleeve back down. He would hurt her even worse if anyone found out.

"Well I better be going, it was nice meeting you Kj." The girl said before taking off, Kj finished shopping before having to return to work. He had just started as a police officer, it was his third week and he loved it. He always loved helping and saving people.

Cami arrived back to her apartment before her boyfriend was home. She started making dinner, cutting onions adding them into the strew slowly. After an hour it was ready, she served her boyfriend some wine and took a seat at the other end of the table.

It was peaceful until he slammed his hands onto the table.
"You're so useless" Jake said throwing the wine bottle at the young girl. Camila ducked in time, letting the wine spill out and glass covering the floor.
"Why didn't you make lasagna like I asked" he said practically growling at his girlfriend who was shaking.
"I-I wanted to try a new recipe, I thought you would like it, I'm sorry." She said looking down at her hands where the glass cut. She refused to meet his angry glare, he scared her to the point she was shaking.

"Well now you'll be punished" he said throwing her onto the floor, before kicking her in the ribs repeatedly. She laid there in pain, it was overwhelming her whole body ached. He was being louder then usual, banging and smashing things on the floor and yelling at her. She only hoped a neighbour would call the cops and free her of this never ending nightmare.

"Dispatch, we have a noise disturbance and possible domestic abuse. Location is Williamsburg apartments number 904."
Kj and his partner Charles answered right away, they weren't too far from the building. They pulled up and made their way to the apartment has they got closer they could hear the yelling.

They knocked on the door announcing they were police and to open up. Jake panicked, while looking around the apartment. Glass covered the floor, the chairs were knocked over and his girlfriend was lying on the floor. He dragged her into the bedroom before opening the door.

"Evening officers everything all right?"
"We got a noise complaint, mind if we come in for a quick sweep of the place." Charles asked,
"Actually now isn't a good time, my girlfriend is throwing up. Doesn't feel to well, food poisoning." He said attempting to close the door in the guys face. But Kj pushed the door open, Jake stumbled back into his apartment. The officers following him inside, they took in the appearance of the place definitely something is up.

They looked around just finding it to be a mess but that was before they heard someone in the bedroom. Kj walked down the hall to the noise, where he found a girl laying on her stomach. He approached her slowly, and frowned at the blood on her hands. What made him frown even more was when he flipped her over. It was the girl from the market, Charles saw the girl and paged for back up and an ambulance.
Kj helped the girl onto the bed, she was clutching onto her ribs sobbing.
"K-Kj" she asked in disbelief was she dreaming?
"I'm right here, hey you're okay now." He said holding onto the beautiful girl.

The officers handcuffed Jake throwing him into the cop car, Kj couldn't even look at the man. Who would do such an awful thing, god he was sick.
He helped the girl onto the stretcher, he was stepping out of the ambulance, when she spoke.
"Kj" she said quietly, but he could hear her still, "can y-you stay with me" she asked.

He jumped back in, and walked over to her side. "Of course, I'll be here the whole time." He said trying to calm her down, a few tears rolled down her cheek. He wiped them with his thumb.
"Hey beautiful don't cry, you're safe now. I promise he will never touch you again. I give you my word." And it was that very moment she finally felt safe, in Kj's arms.

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