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That title is so not a Yuri ship, ehem... so going back to the story, Seychelles and Philippines agreed that they will exchange roles and do their daily duties. Seems easy enough, how hard can it be?

(Seychelles' pov)

Philippines and i changed clothes, I borrowed her plain white t-shirt, with her red skirt,. It was so plain... what ever i guess i have to get used to it...

Ok first duty... Work for Britain? She works for other countries? I guess i have to do it then.

(Philippines' pov)

I tried on Seychelles' clothes, i felt so naked for some reason..... what ever i guess i have to get used to it.

Ok first duty for this day..... huh?... help America make burgers?...... i guess she so...

(Seychelles' pov)

I went to britain's house, it was so dirty... i guess that's why she worked for him... "oh there you are Maria, i hope you don't mind if i have extra work."

"It's ok I don't mind at all..."

"That's odd... why do you have a French accent?"

"I-I just feel Ill that's all!"

"If you feel ill then you should take a rest."

"No! I'm totally fine, it'll be gone in a while."

"Well okay then. If you have time can you make me scone like all ways?"

"I make scones?"

"What do you mean? You all ways make me scones, to be honest you make them better than i do."

"Y-yeh s-sure!" I can't cook scones... Maria! I need you!

(;~;) Hetalia~

(Philippines pov)
I went to America's house. I was about to knock but it bursted and out came America.

"Welcome to my house!"

"Uhh... hi america..."

"Huh? That's weird what happened to your French accent?"

"I'm trying out a new accent!"

"Oh ok then."

*they made hamburgers*

"Woa...! That's odd... you're version taste like Philippines' and I didn't know you can cook. Some the other countries said you can't, it's weird that they think you can't."

"Because I admire it so much! I tried my best to copy it...."

"Oh by the way, can you help me write a letter? I have a new pen pal from France, and i want to write in french to him."

"Why not tell him in english?"

"Nah just for today. I want to impress him."

"Heheh.... s-sure..."

Seychelles this is bad very bad..... i need you Seychelles!

(~0~) Hetalia~

(Seychelles' pov)

"Finally! I'm done!" I sat down on one of England's chairs.

"That's odd, usually you're not tiered after work. Are you sure you're feeling ok?"

How is she able to feel fine after all of that?! Damn Phili is a hard worker. "I'm fine... how are the scones?"

Philippines: actually i feel tired but i just don't have it in me to show so i hide it with a smile.

"They taste different than usual, but i still like it though."

"Welp i guess is need to get going, i still have other things to do."

"Sure thing. Bye Maria!"

I waved bye and looked at the list...

Both girls: this is harder than I thought. But I won't give up!

To be continued.......................

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