Chapter 2: Red River

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Leapordpaw nodded. "And I could be part of-" Feathershine cut her off. "You weren't as close to him as they were."

Treesap thought hard about it while Goldheart examined and sniffed the tuft of fur. "Snowstorm must be part of the prophecy... she changed like you, Nightstorm! Also, your similar names may mean power as one in the prophecy." Treesap gave a good look at Nightstorm.

Leapordpaw nodded. "I guess it does." She smiled at Nightstorm.

"Yeah!" He smiled. "But... change of topic... Riverpool might have killed Mintleaf. We might be close to a battle between the evil cats like in the Shadow-woods, a place where dead cats live." He whispered, shivering.

"Maybe it can be...but there had to be a purpose, right? They wouldn't kill just for fun and be THAT fox-hearted..." Goldheart mewed, setting down the fur and starting to groom Mintleaf.

"I swear to Starclan, I saw Riverpool die." Her heart tingled a bit. Even if the she was evil, she still respected Riverpool.

"But she IS evil, and how did she even die?!" He meowed with fear, thinking Riverpool is in back of him, then he hears a loud meow.

Leapordpaw looked up. "I-I don't remember." Not wanting to tell them how she died because she was basically Leapordpaw's hero.

"Also, what is that loud meow?" Nightstorm said, shivering with fear.

Snowstorm was sleeping in the warriors den. Grayspring and Stoneheart were eating some prey. Squirrelscrap and Oakear were cleaning their pelts.

Leapordpaw shrugged "I don't know."

"Lets go find out!" Nightstorm mewed.

Leapordpaw nodded, getting up. "Let's go."

Nightstorm ran really fast, until he found blood and... Rocktail. "WHO DID THIS?!" He yelled. A strange voice cut him off. "I did..." the voice faded away as he heard more loud meows and red water flowing like a river.

Leapordpaw looked around not seeming phased by this until she looked down. "Whisperpaw..."

"Two cats dead?"Nightstorm whispered, "or more..." he said, the red river flowing on his black paws.

Leapordpaw sniffed her sister's pelt. "Why would they do this?"

Then he hears a soft meow, a meow that sounded soft but painful. "DUSTY AND HER KITS!" Nightstorm screeched loudly. "I know it's her because of her sound. Someone made her die right now..." He cried with fear.

Leapordpaw backed up, almost falling into the river.

The sound of cats crying with pain made Nightstorm feel sick. The red river got really red, cats in the river, life less. Shadowy figures got close to the two cats.

Leapordpaw looked at the shadows, backing up to the edge of the river.

He sniffed the sky.The only word Nightstorm said was "RUN!"

Leapordpaw nodded and raced off. "Wait... Whisperpaw." She looked back, her eyes glazed in sorrow.

One of the figures bit his leg. "HELP!" He tried running. It was no use. Nightstorm was going to die!

Leapordpaw hissed. "The prophecy!" She lunged at the shadow. "LET GO!"

Some shadows leaped at him, biting Nightstorm. He cried in pain, trying to fight back but the shadows were keeping him down.

Leapordpaw clawed around. All she could see was red.

"I will.. NOT LOSE!" Nightstorm yowled. The star pattern on him started glowing and all the shadows went away. He fell on the floor.

Leapordpaw looked around.

Nightstorm's eyes closed.

Leapordpaw raced up to him. "Nightstorm?!"

He does not make a sound. In Nightstorm's vision: "Hello, Nightstorm. Welcome to Star- clan."A cat meowed. "WHO SAID THAT? AM I DEAD?" He worried. "You're not dead. You're having a vision. Also, I am Treetail. I was in Soulclan many moons ago. You will return back to life once your treated. Treetail mewed, telling him all about Starclan and some stuff no one knows except for Soulstar about Soulclan. "You are in Starclan because you are actually a Frostclan cat." Treetail continued talking.

Leapordpaw shook him. "Come on!" Leapordpaw looked around in case Riverpool was around.

leapordpaw looked scared and terrified.

Blood emerged from Nightstorm. He had scars all over his self.

Leapordpaw screamed.

A Starclan cat walked close to Leopardpaw. "It's okay. Don't be scared. Take him to the clan. He is still alive."

The cat went away into the sky.

Leapordpaw nodded "Okay." She picked him up onto her back and struggled back to camp.

Nightstorm woke up. He shook his head and got up.

Leapordpaw smiled and sighed. "I'm going to hunt."

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