Chapter 3: The dinner/Date?

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Liv POV:

As we enter the restaurant that Bunetta sent me via whatsapp, a very polite waitress asks for our names and, after she checks a very long list, she guides us to our  table. As we walk through the big restaurant my eyes can't help but  to look around and fascinate about how classy and, althought there is a lot of peolpe here, intimate it is this place. 

We reach a beautiful room with only 2 tables and a big Majestic piano in the middle of the two of them. The waitress stops at the entry and tell us that our table is the one on the right so, thanking her, Marta and I start going in the direction she told us.

''So I guess Bunetta wanted some privacy'' - Marta said with a grin on her face.

Well, I can't blame him, he's a wellknown songwriter and producer - I though to myself-

As we keep getting closer I see 2 man behind a thin sea-through material that goes all around the table for some extra privacy, I supose. One of them has long brown hair, and I know for sure that that is Bunetta, but  the other one has brown short hair and he looks Young, he must be someone from his team, maybe. 

''Hello Liv!, nice to finally meet you in person!''- He says huging me and giving me a Kiss on the cheek.

''Hii! Thank you so much for everything!'' I say with a smile on my lips and trying my best not to look too nervous.

''Thank you to you, love! We've been waiting to meet you and get to know you! Oh, let me introduce you here to my friend Harry''- he says and  moves aside to let me see a very handsome man with the greenest eyes I ever saw in my entire life.

OH MY GOD. This can't be posible. This must be some kind of joke or something. I think I am standing in front of Harry Fucking Styles. I dind't recognized him from afar because he has shortened his hair.

He closes the space between us and hugs me.

''Nice to meet you, love''- He says nearly in my ear and then kisses my cheek.

My heart could jump at any moment I swear! How am I supposed to be all calm and chill when Harry Styles is in front of me? 

''Harry, in like Hary styles?''- I ask him, my eyes never leaving his.

He just chuckles to himself and says ''Yeah, love. But I don't want you to get all shy around me now. Promise?''.

I clear my voice and try to sound as confident as I can ''Yeah, I promise''- I say blushing deeper.

''Good''- He says in a raspy voice that makes my heart skip a beat and I see for a moment his eyes trace my lips.

''Are we interrupting something here?''- Marta says with a smirk on her face, I nudge her in disaproval and we sit at the table.


After the introductions and a little bit of small talk about the flight, I finally could calm myself. I mean, I'm not going to lie, I was still a Little bit starstruck about Harry because I admire him as a human being for all the good things he does for charity and just his amazing carisma, not to mention that he was a celebrity. 

''I was thinking that this dinner was a great chance to get to know eachother's and just enjoy our company. We have time to talk about buisness later on. So, tell us, first of all, how did you girls met?''- Bunetta asked us.

I was so glad that he wouldn't just go and talk about buisness, he wanted to make sure we were relaxed and having a fun day.

''Well, we met 5 years ago when we both started College''- Marta started.

''Yes, and since then we've been almost inseparables, we spend a lot of time together.''- I said.

''Oh, that's awsome!''- Harry said, he was so talkative with us, almost like we knew eachother already, which was surprising. I thought that he would be more reticent on sharing storys with us- '' It kind of remainds me of us''- he joked, looking at Bunetta.

''Oh yeah, for sure. I've been stuck with this man for almost 6 month now, and let me tell you, I've been regreting every second of it''- Bunetta jokes back- 

The four of us burst into laughter. It was kind of cute the banter they had going on with eachother. I knew they get on well. Bunetta always was the main songwriter that helped the 1D boys to write lyrics since the begining of the band, but I didn't knew they were such Good friends. 

After more small talk and banter between Harry and Bunetta, we finished the dinner which was excelent by the way! We really had an amazing day, I was having so much fun and they were making us feel so Good that the hours kept pasing by so quicly I didn't even notice.

It was 11 PM already and we were making our way outside of the restaurant when Harry offered us to go to his apartment and take some drinks. As he was asking, I couldn't help but notice that his eyes were looking for mine, almost as pleading me to accept the offer. I instantly blushed.

''Oh come on Harry! let the girls take some rest, I'm sure they are exausted. Besides, they are staying here for 2 more days, so don't worry, there is plenty of time to talk tomorrow too''.-Said Bunetta with a big grin on his face and looking back and forth between Harry and I.

I could have sworn I saw a little bit of blush creeping on Harry's cheks too but I'm not sure.

''Yeah, I am exausted actually''- Said Marta while Harry and I were smiling at eachother. 

''Yes, I am too, but thank you so much for this amazing day! I had so much fun.''-I said to them.

''We had a lot of fun too, right Harry? I'm glad we get on so well, this will make things easier if we end up working together. Don't think I forgot why you came here little lady!- Said Bunetta with a happy ton.

We all started to laugh. ''I called an Uber for you guys, it's this one here. It will take you back to your Hotel. I'm going to text you tomorrow about where and when we can meet again, okay?- Said Bunetta as he went and gave me a Kiss on the check.

''Okay, thank you so much Bunetta''- I told him as we parted. ''And thank you to you too, Harry. It was nice meeting you!- I went in for a Kiss on the cheeck but he hugged me instead and wishpered on my ear: ''Nice meeting you too, love''.

Marta and I went in the Uber and I couldn't stop thinking about the way Harry hugged my waist and the way he told me love, It was almost  like he would have done anything to stay a little bit longer with me, and to be honest, I would had to.


Hello guys! here is my 3rd Chapter. I hope you liked it. Tell me what did you liked about it and what I can improve, It will mean a lot to me.

Lots of lovee!

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