Chapter 14

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"After seeing your face, I am sure as hell my day won't end well" She said after Kelly entered the small bakery her uncle owns.

"Eden, I want you to_"

"I will have to stop you right there. I am busy" she cut her off turning her back on Kelly. What a prick.

It had become a habit for Kelly to go to her uncle's bakery and bark orders to Eden. She on the other hand knew from the moment she saw her in Nick's bed, she hated her and apparently the feeling was mutual.

Unfortunately, she had to see her face every morning and for the past week, Kelly had been doing her best to get Eden fired to no luck. Eden had had enough and wasn't going to stand there let herself be slaved around by someone who wasn't even paying her.

"When I give you an order you have to comply" she pointed a threatening finger at Eden to show her she had power on her and that she could get her fired if she wanted. The problem was that she couldn't just do it with a snap of her fingers. If she wanted her gone she had to make sure her uncle caught her doing something she shouldn't be doing and that wasn't going to be easy.

"For the last time Kelly I don't work for you. Don't you have something else to do or someone else to annoy? I don't have time for this" She said grabbing a croissant for a client and left her standing there, she followed her yelling behind her.

"Listen you little prat, you will do as I said-" She raised her voice to scared Eden but it wasn't that easy. Eden brutally turned to face her, scaring her instead. She took a defensive step back.

"Or what? You're going to run and tell uncle? Well what are you waiting for? My approval?"

"This isn't over Eden."
"Yes it is. Now step aside, I hope the money is still in there, I saw you eyeing that register like a hawk" She pushed her aside and started cleaning the counter while Kelly watched her

"I am not you Eden" Kelly said rolling her eyes trying her best to sound untouched by Eden's comment.

"I thank God for that. Oh I packed something for you" She picked a small box and put it on the counter in front of Kelly.
"What is this?"

"Chocolate Cake. You clearly need it" She said eyeing her up and down then gave her a big smile

"You are going to regret this." She gave up on trying and left making empty threats.

"Yes, ever meeting you"

Kelly stormed out of the little shop like her head was on fire. The rest of the day went well until.

The next day, Eden went back to work; everything was fine until a lady walked in the little coffee shop. She was dressed in a beige knee length dress, a red coat and some nude six inch high heels. She carried a medium sized red bag. She looked very expensive and looked like she wasn't supposed to be in that tiny coffee shop.

'Welcome! What can I get you?" Eden said welcoming the lady, she turned her head to the voice and smiled. She looked at Eden's name tag then back at her face. She raised her eyebrows.

"Eden!" She whispered to herself

"Can I help you? Do you need anything? A coffee or_" Eden asked the lady, grabbing her note pad in the pocket of her apron.

"Oh yes, yes, coffee, dark and a donut" The lady said while Eden was writing everything down.

"Take away or-"
"No, I'll have it here" She finished giving Eden a long thoughtful look.
"Alright then, Grab a sit and I'll be right back with your order" Eden smiled at her making her smile back.

Lost ButterflyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang