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Warning: Slight use of profanity and violence 

   I don't care what Armin says that girl is terrifyingly cold and no question why. All it takes it knowing that Levi is her older brother and you can connect it all. And when Levi stood behind her for those few seconds the resemblance was very noticeable.
Now I know why Armin didn't want people to mess with her.

Lunch was only going to last a few more minutes though so I tried not to dwindle on them but instead get ready to pretend to focus in my next class.

It was when my blue-eyed genius friend looked at me with a smirk and I knew all hell was going to be let loose.
"I am not helping her around the school" I hissed at him quietly. Armin simply rolled his eyes then looked at Mikasa who was intently listening to our dismay.

"What class are you going to anyway?" I asked politely
"Yeah Yeah, stop the cold cover please, you where singing a while ago, don't hide it"
The stoic face formed into a scowl but she stayed quiet.
"Ah great Armin you pissed off the pissed off girl"
The storm grey eyes darted dangerously to Eren.
The rest of the table where either watching or talking in hushed voices.
A murderous glare seemed to shut up Eren's sarcastic statement though I was unfazed. Sighing, the raven girl's eyes surveyed over them,
"Where are the classes anyways?"
I let a smug smile cross my face and shared a glance with Eren, who seemed to be disgusted.
—————LATER IN CLASS————-

"Today we have a new student, Mikasa Ackerman. Now listen up brats, any one of you mess with my sister and I will personally welcome you to your grave"
I looked over my shoulder to see what Mikasa's reaction would be and to simply put it, she was not happy. Levi and Mikasa shared a challenging sibling glare before Mikasa sat down.

The horse face of the class, Jean Kirstein was staring wide-eyed at Mikasa. I was tempted to whisper to him to not even try but decided not to.
Right then, our timed worksheets where passed around the room and everyone waited impatiently.
"You can start" Grumbled the teacher. Everyone starting working on the problems.
After only what felt like a few moments  (probably a few minutes) the stormy eyed girl raised her hand quietly to show she has completed the task at hand. I, myself breathed in sharply and quietly finished as well and the class can be heard taking a silent gasp.

Well heck. Pretty, as much as I fail to admit it, sassy and cold at the same time, and as intelligent as some of the top students in the school, even those a year or so older-.. but where is her friend group?

—————After school———————
I heard a pair footsteps behind be but I put them off my mind. It was entail they sped up and whoever the person was and their partner, they where walking behind me. Whipping around quickly to see who it was I slowed my pace and stood still. Coldly staring at them.
Eren, off the bat seemed generally frustrated while his more lean friend rolled his eyes then locked my gaze.
Of course. He doesn't know anything yet.
I knew rumors would spread the second I opened my heart to anyone. And I know having friends only set you up for hurt and distractions. So why have them when you can focus in school for grades?
The problem is this kid here seemed completely fine with stepping over my comfort lines. But still appeared calm. This trait was missed by Eren who didn't even look at me and a scowl plastered on his face.
"What do you want?" I asked. Keeping a cold, monotone voice. The blue eyed kid shrugged.
"Do you get colder every hour or what?"
The question took me off guard and I took a step back with one foot.
Armin took that information in like a sponge and so I made myself stay still.
"What so if I do?" I let a streak of sass into my words and instead of being threatened in anyway, he flipping raised an eyebrow.
Now, it was me who had a scowl on my face and just like that, turned around on my way back home.
He didn't seem to give up though, even though his friend was dragging his feet.

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