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Well I had so many ideas but here
Let me actually focus on something in the meantime
I'll try to have this as a priority
And looking back I definitely see things that could left out XD
Edit 1:
Almost Merry Christmas!
Oh gosh, I thought of doing something for Halloween but thaT passed, I think I may get back into the flow of things though :3
Edit 2:
OK wEll probAblY noT iN the floW, I've been trying to figure out a different fanfic that I'm hopefully putting more effort into,
HAppy nEw yEaRs))



By then I didn't care that anyone was around me. Barely bothering to move I just reangled myself to get a better view of them. It wasn't all to surprising when I saw the two figures.
"who do you think it is?" I snapped. The Jean guy seemed slightly taken aback while Armin just frowned. Taking off his jacket he simply threw it over me.
"No" I mumbled.
He repeated it back.
There was a moment of silence between all of them.
"Get up"
I huffed and stood up.
"What about you're brother? Why are you here? Now?"
I straightened myself out before answering Jean.
"Once in a while thing for me to stay over there"
There was another moment as I processed as well.
"Are you able to go back to his place?" The blonde asked, I paused.
"I donno. He lives on the other side of town though"
"You're parents?"
I went silent. Both of them looked down briefly ,
"I'm sorry. Do you have a place?" The smaller of the two asked carefully, blue eyes seeming to glisten as if he was generally worried for a friend.
"Did, or kinda" I shrugged it off. Jean spoke up an offer first,
"Well I live closer, should we go there before we die of the cold?"
"Hyperthermia, and yeah"
I frowned, giving the boys a skeptical stare. Armin sighed,
"Mikasa, do ww look like the person who is gonna murder you in an alleyway?"
"I wouldn't put it past anyone"
I could sense Jean scanning both of us,
"Ok lets get out of this fucking rain"

I trailed closely behind Mikasa and Jean. The rythem of rain had only become more furious, throughly soaking each one of us. By the time we have arrived at the house there where puddles in our shoes and streams down the sidewalks.
Jean fumbled with his house keys before managing to unlock and open the door.
Walking in behind the group, by the time I set foot inside there was already a trail of water.  Aside from that the air instantly felt more comfortable and warm mixed with a calming scent of lavender.
"Towels are on the chair"  Announced Jean before stepping away into another room to presumably change. I watched him leave before turning to the newcomer, Mikasa. Her expression was one of a startled cat.
"Calm down. " I said, words automatically forming. To my surprise she just nodded then went to pick up a towel.

I walked down the hall from where Jean disappeared to,
"Hey Jean, mind if I borrow some clothes?"
Jean swung open the door to reveal him quickly fixing his shirt and throwing some baggy shirt and boxers at me. I caught them and left to a bathroom.


I stared at my shoes blankly while I waited to be confronted. After a few minutes I heard the footsteps returning and looked up.
"Well didn't you take your sweet time ;" I stated, sarcasm cutting in.
"Not much of a thankful one"
I sighed.
"Ok thanks" I kept staring warily at them.
"Holy fuck Mikasa"
I saw Armin glance disapprovingly at Jean.

"Look how long are you staying here?" He spoke.
Jean cut in before any other response could be announced,
"My mom will be getting here any time now , she'll drive you to your brothers"
I nodded , agreeing with the layout.

((IM soRry foR thE shoRt cheAp chApter iM alIve I thiNk))

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