Say hello

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Ravens pov 

We got to the park Stella and Aron were playing ball I was hanging in a tree we I put down a blanket under the tree earlier . I got out of the tree and sat on the blanket then Stella ran to me giving me kisses. Then layed down putting her head on my lap Aron sat down kissing me on the cheek ."what would happen to us if your dragged on tour? " Aron asked " I'll bring you and Stella with." I said 

"What if your dad isn't ok with it? "Aron said "honestly it wouldn't change shit he had his whores and I'm having my boyfriend and our little girl " I said Aron smiled at my logic "hey tomorrow is basically the last day of school and the next day there's gonna be a fair, you wanna go with me    l-like a ?" Aron said nervously "like a date? "I asked Aron nodded yes "I would Love to" I said  and hugged him witch he turned into a kiss .  As time went by me ,Aron and Stella played,Chase and tugged. It was 6 pm  we were there for 4 and a half hours we drove home Stella was tired. I filled up her food bowl and a lot of water in her water bowl . Me and Aron sat down and thought ware we could get some food for dinner as Stella chowed down her food and water .

"Geez Stella you make It sound like we haven't fed you in 12 years " Aron laughed "she did play hard today we'd be lucky if she gets up in the  morning " I laughed "so you wanna go to xa restaurant and eat there  or fast food and bring it back?"Aron asked " can go to five guys or some wear fast I don't wanna go out and be out all night " I said  " if you want I can  run to Panda Express and bring it back?" Aron suggested "we can do that" I said I wrote down what I wanted Aron went to get out food.I ran upstairs and changed into comfy clothes/pj pants& hoodie  . When I came downstairs Stella was dead on the couch.

From ware I was standing I can hear her little snores. I layed down next to her and turned on fanboy and chum chum . 

CC's pov

We finished the meet and greet I ran to the bus with candy some fans gave me I ran to my bunk and put it all in there and closed the curtains I went to the fridge and ate jakes food . The guys walked in laughing jake saw me eating his food "pay back is a bitch " i said

He went to tackle me but I ran off the bus "get back here you pug loving fucker!" Jake yelled "keep pugs out of this !" I yelledthen  I ran  past Andy who had a cigarette. "CC ! You put out my cigarett! " Andy yelled throwing the cigarette on the ground going after me .  Juliet was walking off the bus "Juliet HELP ME!!" I yelled  "KEEP Juliet out of this ! " Andy and jake yell "ANDY ! Leave cc alone you still have another pack in your bunk! " Juliet yells andy slows down walks to her.

I make them mad on purpose because Evreyone is sad from raven  running away it's been a month . We're worried that mark got her ,and Andy,ash are gonna kill that guy who is kissing her on her Twitter . But there so happy as long as he doesn't hurt her I won't send my pug army and the bvb army after him.  "Jake were even! I know you ate my Pizza last week!"I yelled 

Jake walked twords the bus I run past him got on the bus to bunk to eat candy 

Raven's pov

Me and Aron ate our food then went to bed 


*next morning *

I got up early and got dressed . Aron woke up "ware are you going?" He asked with a raspy voice "I'm going to my school for the day "I said  "ok you want me to drop you off? " he asked "Sure " I said

As I looked in the mirror putting on my eyeliner . I realized how much I miss the guys ,Juliet,Ella and Sammie . I remember Andy and Juliet showing me how to do my eyeliner and andy showed me how to do war paint making my own character. Sometimes on our girls days they would do my makeup .

I miss jake calling cc a pug loving fucker . And Andy trying to get cc out of a tree, jinxx would teach me how to play violin. I finished my eyeliner and straightening my hair

Aron was ready So was i we put food in stella's Bowl she was still sleeping so we left it there for her . Aron dropped me off I kissed him and walked into the school I found Emily she hugged me "ware have you been !? I mean I saw your posts you need to tell me EVERYTHING" Emily said I looked at her arm her tattoo looked beautiful on her . "One I'll tell you everything two your tattoo looks great Donnie did a good job like always" I said 

As we walked around the hall I told her about everything. I got Evreything out of my locker I gave a jock a black eye Emily came up to me "I wanna meet the lucky guy" she said a few minutes later Aron pulled up Stella ran out of the car to me  "hi Stella " I cooed petting her Aron walked up  "Emily I want you to meet Aron   Aron  Emily " I introduced they shook hands then Aron wrapped his arm around my shoulder "and who's this little girl "Emily said referring to Stella "this is Stella " I said we all talked for a bit then me and Aron went home.

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