The Corridor

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I had been walking around for about an hour. I had no clue where I was going, and, quite frankly, I didn't care. A bit bored, I began to sing quietly.

" Heart, don't fail me now!
Courage, don't desert me!
Don't turn back now that we're here.
People always say
Life is full of choices.
No one ever mentions fear!
Or how the world can seem so vast
On a journey ... to the past."

Distracted, I did not hear a door open. Smiling, I began to run down the hallway until...


The person who I had crashed into and I both fell to the floor.

"Sorry!" I said, embarrassed.

"No problem." The person who I had knocked down responded as he stood up. The person who I had crashed into was a boy, about my age, with short messy tan hair, kind green eyes, and fair skin. Soot and dust covered his handsome face.

"I'm James." He said.

'I'm Leah."

"Are you always this clumsy?" He asked, laughing.

"Yup. One time, I tried to climb a tree and ended up falling into the fountain."

He chuckled.

"I'm just as bad. One time, I was helping bake when I was tired. I put my pillow in the oven, and slept on the cake batter!"

I giggled. For about an hour, we told each other crazy stories. All of a sudden, the clock chimed.

"I have to go!" I said. "Meet me in the garden at midnight, okay?"

"As you wish." He responded.

Smiling, I ran back to the ballroom.

Dance With A Servant Boy [ON INDEFINITE HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now