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Looking straigh ahead, I refused to look at the older male who paced the elegant study of mine late sire in mine family home. "Your family is gone. Mahmen, Sire and younger brothers. You have no other choice but to mate me now, Charlotte, Daughter of Eaventh, " Grayson grinned, pausing to try to make eye contact with me. I entertained the idea of punching him, but my life growing up in the glymera taught me to never raise my voice, let alone a finger. But damnit I wanted to so bad. One day I was going to let loose and it was not going to be pretty, glymera be damned. I wasn't interested in mating a male, let alone one as old as mine sire! I moved my lavender colored eyes to the portrait of mine late mahmen and tried not to cry. Silently I begged for this disgusting male to leave mine prescence. It had been two months since the lessers laid waste to my home here in the Old Country. As oldest and only living person of my bloodlines, I stood to inherit a very large estate. In fact, I had just had a meeting with my solicitor earlier in the day and I had a plan in place. Just a few more hours and I would be free. 

News of the inheritance had spread throughout the glymera and it had been a nonstop parade of eligible males of all ages vying for my attention, when honestly I was just a few years out of my transition and was still deeply mourning my parents and little brothers. Inhaling sharply, I straightened my stance and glared at the older male that had to be at least 500. "I will not mate you, so you can exit mine home immediately." In a second, I found myself pinned against the wall of the study, breath caught in my throat. Grayson's face was in mine, furious, jaw clenched. "I think you might want to reconsider that dear. I WILL have you, and your estate. And don't even THINK of running. Wherever you go? Have no doubt I will find you," Grayson seethed, before grabbing his coat and leaving, slamming the door behind him. 

Collapsing to the floor, shaking, I began crying. "Miss? Are you okay?" Thomas, my dear doggen rushed forward and helped me off the floor. Unable to talk, I just nodded, wiping my eyes then fixing the skirt of mine gown. "The sooner mine Mistress gets to the New Country the better," he said softly. I hugged the old doggen who had been like a grandfather to me my whole life. "And you will join me yes?" I asked, worried. "Oh yes ma'am. As soon as I get things settled here, I will join you. A week, maybe a little more. Now why don't you go finish packing what you will take with you. I'll make you tea." Nodding, relieved, I gathered myself so the other doggen wouldn't see me upset and went and did just that, more of a hurry now than ever before to be gone from this place.


Sitting in the meeting, he listened as the human males spoke of their addictions, his story being similar to theirs. Red Smoke which had then lead to an overdose of heroin last month. He had been benched by Wrath, not even sure if he could or would ever fight with the Brotherhood again, a disgrace to his Sire's name. Twisting the empty styrofoam cup in his hands that once held coffee and sighed. He had really fucked things up.

After the meeting, Phury left into the night and returned to the mansion. His twin brother Zsadist was there, waiting for him like always. "How was it?" Z asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Phury looked into his older twin brother's eyes, same golden yellow as his and nodded. "Good."

"I'm proud of you Phury." Phury snorted. "That makes one of us. I fucked things up Z. I shamed our sire's name." Z shook his head. "No, you didn't. We all have our demons to face brother mine. What you need is a good female to keep you in your place," Zsadist grinned. Phury scoffed. "Oh yes. I'll surely find a female of worth as a drug addict and missing one leg." Phury had lost the leg in order to save his older brother. Zsadist grew serious. "I don't ever want to hear you speaking that way about yourself again, you feel me?" Z asked. Phury went to move past him, But Z had him by the shoulders, holding him at arms length away. "Phury look at me." He did. "You're a good male. Any female would be blessed to have you in her life. You're the son of Ahgony, a former Brother and one hell of a warrior." Phury only nodded before breaking the contact with his brother and headed up to him room. 

All the Brotherhood members along with shellans lived here at the manse. Phury, unsure of where he stood now, entered his room and shut the door behind him. Books stood everywhere there was room. Having taken a vow of celibacy a long time ago, Phury had to keep himself busy somehow. So he had immersed himself in literature and art. He had become excellent at sketching and for a time pined for his brother's shellan Bella, who was currently down the hall in their mated chamber, 15 months pregnant with their daughter. He had filled sketchbooks, page after page of her. He was happy for Z, of course. What would it be like to come home to a beautiful shellan waiting for him? What would it be like to wake up in the middle of the day and hold her, make love to her, have an intelligent cove with? Sighing, Phury resigned to the fact he probably would never know this feeling. 

Stripping out of his designer jeans and polo, he tied his long blonde hair that had red and brown natural highlights with a piece of leather and put on a pair of basketball shorts. A good long run was what he needed. Turning to leave, Phury caught sight of himself in the mirror, looking at the lifelike prosthetic he had been fitted with. Sighing, he turned and headed down to the Training Center underneath the manse.

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