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Twirling around the brand new living room in mine own manse here in the New Country, I could barely believe I had escaped. I, Charlotte, was free to live my life the way I seen fit. An old chapter closed and a new one had opened. Sure, there would be a lot to learn. My solicitor, Saxton smiled, watching me. He had already given me a cellular phone and had taken time to show me the ins and outs of the device. "Thank you Saxton!" I smiled, giving him a huge hug. Saxton laughed, returning the hug. "The king knows of your plight and rest assured, you are safe. Now, I have a few brothers coming over later to check out the security system and see things are in order. Having said this, I'll take my leave. I will check on you again at the end of the week." Saxton bowed and left. At last. I was alone. Well, besides Thomas of course. He had joined me as of last night and was busy with mine other doggen, fixing up the home. It was a much smaller manse, boasting only seven bedrooms and 7.5 baths built in the early 1900's. I loved it. It really felt like home.

Climbing the stairs, I explored my new home that was nestled in a valley about 45 minutes from Caldwell by car. Speaking of which I would have to learn to drive one of those things in order to go shopping. Me! Shopping on mine own! The thought excited me. Every aspect of my life had been dictated for me and now? I was in charge. Taking my time, I explored the seven bedrooms upstairs, taking the master bedroom and settling in. This was all so scary and new to me. The manse was so silent.

As I unpacked some clothing, a ringing noise had me looking around in confusion until I remembered it was the phone thing. Pressing the green button I spoke into the device as Saxton had instructed. "Hello?"

"Charlotte? My name is Vishous. I am on my way to your home with a few other brothers to look over the security system." The voice was deep and sultry. "Okay. I'll let my doggen know to expect you. Thank you." Hanging up, I walked nervously to the window and looked out a moment before returning to fixing up my room. The Brotherhood. I had never seen a brother before, as they had resided in the New Country but they were all the talk at the glymera parties. Particularly two of the brothers Vishous and Rhage. Rhage was a sex god of sorts and many of the females I overheard had had a trist or two with the male. Vishous was a male who dominated females...whatever that meant. I was a virgin, a newling and had only ever kissed one male and it had been awful. He had practically slobbered all over my face like a dog. Frowning, lost in my thought I failed to hear Thomas behind me. "Mistress?" Nearly jumping out of my skin I turned and looked at him. "The males are here Saxton sent over." 

"Thank you Thomas. I will receive them in the study." He bowed and left and I took a moment to look over myself in the mirror. I had on a traditional gown, not really knowing what was in style here, though I took mental note to ask around immediately after the brothers left. Checking my black hair I made sure all the pins holding up the massive mound of curls were in tightly before adding lipstick to my lips and then exited my room. 

As I round the corner at the bottom of the steps deep male voices sounded from the study and I stopped a minute to steady myself. I was a nervous wreck. Closing my eyes I took a big breath in and then let it out before entering the study. 

Standing in the doorway I looked upon four of the biggest males I had ever seen in my life. Holy shit. "You Charlotte?" One with diamond eyes asked. Opening my mouth to answer I found no words so I nodded instead. 'Way to go Lottie. Great first impression. Bumbling idiot,' I said to myself, then manners kicked in and I offered my hand. "I'm Vishous. We spoke on the phone. This is Rhage, Butch and Phury." I looked at each male as their name was spoken and froze when it came to Phury. He had the most beautiful hair I had ever seen and those golden eyes? They looked me up and down and I blushed deeply. "Hello. My name's Charlotte," I said stupidly. 

"Yeah ok. We're gonna have a look around," Vishous said, smirking as he, Rhage and Butch filed out of the study. Phury stayed, grounded as I was. Say something. Please. "It's a pleasure to meet you Charlotte." I offered my hand and he took it, kissing the back of it like a true aristocratic gentlemale. My heart pounded loudly in my chest. Phury's hand was large, warm and rough. I loved it. Oh my god! I loved this male's hand! Idiot! "Would you like some libations? Something to eat?" I asked softly. "No, thank you. Thats a very kind offer."

"Yo Phury! Get her digits man!" Rhage yelled from somewhere. I flushed a deep red and Phury growled. "You'll have to excuse Rhage. He's very straight forward," Phury laughed, letting go of my hand and rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, if you wanted them I could give them to you," I said softly. He smiled. "Your sire would not approve of me." Phury smiled sadly and excused himself. What? Why? Wait....had I been rejected? Snapping out of it, I shook my head. Leave the male alone. He surely had quite a few females anyway. 

Walking into the library I looked around. Empty. But not for long. Soon I would fill this space, every available space with volumes and volumes of books. Books of my choosing. Education wasn't really encouraged amongst the females of the glymera. Just be able to do basic math, be able to read and have elegant handwriting. But I had found a book once, a book of fairytales and had fallen in love with them. I would find more and build a large library.

"You want to come in here for a sec?" Turning around, I looked at Vishous and nodded, following him into the study. "So you're going to need a new system. I can come back tomorrow and set it all up. Let's say, after second meal?" I nodded. "Sounds great. Thank you all for taking time out of your busy night to see to mine safety," I smiled. "You're most welcome Charlotte," Phury said softly. 

"Where are your parents?" Butch asked. "Excuse me?" I asked him, tearing my eyes away from Phury. "You're a beautiful, rich, single female on her own?" Rhage asked in doubt. "My mahmen, sire and younger brothers were killed in a lesser raid. I decided to come here to start over," I said, giving a half truth. "You have no one to stay with?" Phury frowned. "No. And even if I did I still wouldn't. I've never really fit into the glymera mould. I'm in charge of mine own life." Vishous grinned and nodded. "I like you. Lock up after we leave. We'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and walked them to the door. "Be careful. Here's my number if anything happens," Phury said, handing me a card. I took it and thanked him, watching him exit mine home. Rhage put his arm around Phury saying something that made Phury pull away and shove him. Males. Closing the door, I locked up as promised and returned to mine room.


As we entered the manse, I was so fucking close to killing Rhage. So. Fucking. Close. Zsadist descended the grand staircase and looked at me, looking amused. "Whats going on?" he asked. "Nothing!" I said quickly. "Old Phury has found himself a female," Rhage grinned. "No, I haven't. Rhage shut the hell up." Z eyed me. "No, I haven't Z."

"He was all but drooling over her, putting on that gentlemale shit. She is pretty hot though Phury. If I didn't have my Mary I'd definitely try my luck and getting under that skirt." Immediately I had Rhage on his back, gripping his black beater in my fists. "You shut the hell up and keep your thoughts away from what's under Charlotte's skirt you feel me?" I seethed, going all protective mode on Charlotte. "MINE! She's MINE! Understand?" I shouted. Z and Vishous pulled me off Rhage and I stormed up to my room, slamming the door. Okay. What the hell was that?  Why had I done that, putting my fellow brother down like that? Rubbing my head, I sighed. Shit. Z had acted that way with Bella too. 

Looking up at Zsadist as he entered my room I shook my head. "I didn't mean to do that."

"Rhage pushes shit too far sometimes. It's obvious you really like this female Phury." Sighing, I pulled off my shitkickers. "Charlotte is the most beautiful female I have ever see," I said softly. Thinking of those beautiful lavender eyes and curvy body I fell back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "She's in trouble. Running from something or someone but I don't know what or who."

"Maybe she needs a personal guard. You're not fighting with us right now. It would keep you busy and not thinking about relapsing," Z offered, sitting on the other side of the bed. "She's very headstrong. I doubt she would accept that offer." Z chuckled. "Most females are brother mine. You going back with V to install that security system tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I already said I would, or I wouldn't and try to forget I ever met that female." Z rolled his eyes and stood. "If anyone deserves some happiness its you Phury."

Lover Accepted: A Phury FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora