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His presence calmed me. He made me feel safe. A gentlemale with manners and so soft spoken. Phury was absolutely amazing. In a matter of just a few days, he had torn away any apprehension I had about all males being the same.

We really didn't speak much at first. I kept to myself. But a few nights after he began protection detail, a really bad storm rolled in. Storms frightened me, even as a young. Sitting in the television room, I put a movie on and tried to relax. A loud clap of thunder sounded overhead, and the electricity blinked. "Phury!" I cried out, sitting straight up and eagerly awaiting for him to show. I didn't have to wait long. Hurridly Phury flew to the doorway. "What? What happened?" He asked, looking around, wild eyed and confused.

"The storm. I'm...scared," I blurted out, feeling absolutely ridiculous after the fact. Phury relaxed and sat beside me on the couch. His presence was reassuring. Biting my lip I glanced back at the television then to him. "Are you okay?" He asked. Taking my lap quilt, I snuggled up to his side, shocking him, and myself. But he was warm and I had lost most my self control. "I know this is not proper for an aristocratic female, but Phury? I have a secret. Inside? I'm not like them. Not at all. Tis why mahen and my sire arranged for my mating to an older male. They thought it would calm me. I'm stubborn, and obnoxious at times. I don't belong in the glymera." His arm slid around me and all my anxiety left me.

"It was torture to you wasn't it?" He asked. God he was warm. And his scent was exhilarating. "It was hell. If and when I ever mate? He's going to have to accept the fact that I'm me. And I And passion."

"That sounds wonderful." Our eyes met. His were a beautiful golden yellow. "What about you? No female?" He smiled and shook his head. "That's a long story." Thunder again nearly had me in his lap. Phury laughed softly and told me the story of he and Zsadist, his older twin. Zsadist had been stolen away and sold into slavery. Phury had never given up looking for his older brother. When he did rescue him, Phury lost a leg in the process and devoted his life to helping Z.

"You're simply amazing," I smiled, forgetting all about the storm.



And thats how we stayed for most the night. There on that couch, her up underneath my arm, her gorgeous smile illuminating the darkness in my life. My bonding scent enveloping the two of us. Zsadist was going to be most intrigued.

I was awkward around females. Sure I'd kissed a few in my day but as for bedding one? Romancing one? I was as weird and awkward as my brother. But this female? I couldn't get enough of her.

Z noticed it right away. He was waiting for me to come back to the Brotherhood manse as usual. Looking me over he was, then a smile played on his lips. "What?" I asked, looking at him. "You're into this female. This is the fourth night you've come home and been smiling." I stopped and looked at him. "She's good company. Charlotte is intelligent and well read. And, in danger." The last word wiped the smirk off his face.

"What do you mean?" My brother asked, furrowing his brows as he straightened his body. "There's a male she's running from." At this point in time Vishous and Butch entered the room. "Her Hellren passed away and there's this Grayson male who wants to mate her and strip her of her inheritance and free will. I won't allow it. If I have to stay over there every night forever to protect her I will."

"That's quite noble of you my brother. We're not a babysitting service," Vishous said cooly as he lit a handrolled. Phury hit him with an icey glare. "As I told Charlotte. I'm not exactly working right now as Wrath has decided I need to get my shit together. And, she's my bonded female." Z popped an eyebrow.

"A decision I standby," Wrath growled as he entered the billiards room. Great. Anyone else want to join in? "My lord. I do not disagree with you. I was merely stating-"

"I've met with this female named Charlotte when she first came here. Saxton is her lawyer. All eyes and ears open for an aristocratic male named Grayson. New info? He's related somehow to Throe, our old buddy. It's just a matter of time before he comes to court Charlotte. It won't be pretty. Phury being there is good. He's still on the payroll. I want him there. Leave him the fuck alone." Well, that was final.

Later, after last meal I sat alone in my room, sketching the beautiful face of Charlotte when my phone chimed. You really helped me this eve. Thank you. I hope it wasn't too forward of me. Charlotte. A smile spread across my face. What was it about her that made me feel so....warm?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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