You are beautiful

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This one is for @disneyqueen369. Hope you like it!! And to everyone else, feel free to request stories if you have ideas, and if you write your name i can put it in the story ;D

It's the year 1984, and you and Michael have been together for almost nine months. You work as a make-up artist for some of the stunning models that adorns the front pages of many of the fashion magazines, that can be bought all over the united states. Right now, you are sitting across from Michael at the dinner table, as you just finished your meal.

"Gry? Is something wrong?" Michael asks. I lift my eyes from the table to look at him, and I see worry in his eyes.

"No, I'm fine" I lie, trying my best to smile convincing. But of course he sees right through it, right to the pain hidden underneath.

"No you're not" He just says, standing up to walk over and embrace me in a warm, loving hug. I hug him back, burring my face in his clean shirt, inhaling his sweet scent. A single tear escapes my eyes, and rolls down to leave a wet spot on his shirt.

I let out a small squeal of surprise when he lifts me up, and his strong arms carry me easily to the couch, even though I'm way closer to overweight than the opposite! He puts me down, and sits beside me.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?" He asks, his voice gentle as ever. Once again I lift my gaze to his eyes, my own filled with insecurity. I take a deep breath before answering:

"You know that when I'm at work, I meet all these amazing and beautiful human beings. On my way home, I go with my awesome and fantastic friends. And when I come home, you're here waiting for me, the most breathtakingly wonderful person on the earth"

I can see his cheeks turn slightly pink at my words, but he doesn't say anything, so I continue:

"What am I compared to all of them? I'm not pretty in any way. All the models at work all have such beautiful features, perfect hour-glass figures and long, silky hair that shines in the sun. And what do I have?! Nothing. I'm just an ugly, fat little girl." I end my speech in a sad tone, looking down once again.

That is until I hear Michaels sweet voice, saying in a tone so quiet it's almost just a whisper:

"Please look at me, Gry" I slowly lift my head, almost scared to look him in the eyes. Scared of what they will tell me. Does he agree with me? Or did I make him sad?

Turns out the last possibility is closest to the truth. His eyes shows a depth of emotions, I would never have believed possible before I met him. I see sadness, I see wisdom, I see a strong glimpse of it's-not-true. But most of all, I see L.O.V.E.

"That's not true, and you know that just as well as I do." He begins, slowly, like he's talking to a child, making sure I understand every word he's saying "You. Are. Beautiful. Do you understand?" He continues, not waiting for my answer before he goes on:

"You don't have to be thin, you have to bear your curves with pride, as I see you do so often! You don't have to match societies standards of beautiful features, you have to embrace yourself as the perfect, beautiful girl you are, in your own wonderful way!" All through the little speech his voice gets louder, more charismatic. And now he gets quiet for a moment, allowing me to take in all he just said, before adding in a more quiet voice:

"You know that, right?"

"Thank you, Michael" I say, my voice not much more than a whisper, filled with all the feelings that are going through my mind in this moment. Happiness, gratitude, love, and an overwhelming urge to cry it all out. I give in to the last one, letting the tears fall from my eyes as I hug him tightly, repeating my words over and over: "Thank you. Thank you so much"

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