Visiting Home part 3

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Hey moonwalkers! I'm sorry I update so slowly and this story is so bad, really! I'll try and give you some better stories, but I'm afraid you'll have to be patient with the uploading.
I'm sorry!
And as Michael would say: I L.O.V.E you and God bless you!

"Thank you again for the ride!" I say to Jonas, when me and Michael gets out of the car in front of my parent's house.

"No problem." He answers with a smile, before starting the car again. We wave at him and Line, as they drive towards her mother's house, before walking up to the front door of my parents house.

The moment we step inside, I feel my dads strong arms around me, quickly followed by my mom.

"It's so good to see you again, Gry!" They say, both with big smiles on their faces. Lucky for me, they have gotten a bit more used to their children not being home, since first I and then my sister moved out, and they don't get as emotional as they did in the beginning.

And they talk English, they remembered! I called them yesterday, and gave them strict instructions to just speak English, so Michael would be able to understand what's going on.

"You too" I say with a smile, before taking a step away from them.

"And you must be Michael?" My dad then politely asks towards my boyfriend.

"Yes, I am. It's an honor to meet you, sir." He answers, and I see my dads expression go from happy to extremely confused at Michaels last word.

I guess Michael notice it too, because he immediately goes all nervous, all the nerves he had about meeting my parents, and that I hoped had disappeared, showing again as clear as ever.

"I'm - I'm sorry, I..." He stutters, looking like a lost little puppy, not knowing what he did wrong.

"It's okay Michael, it's just not very common to call people "sir" here. I know you were just polite, and my dad knows too, he just got confused." I tell him, trying to save the awkward situation.

"Yes, yes she's right." My dad adds in, and I see Michael smile a bit.

"Okay." He says, for then to turn to my mother: "And I presume you're the mother of this lovely girl?" He hugs me to his side while he's talking, unable to stop himself from glancing down at me, when he mentions his "lovely girl". I blush under his loving eyes, smiling like an idiot in love.

"I am" My mom answers, smiling proudly. She holds out her hand to shake his, but as the charming gentleman he is, he instead decides to bring it to his lips and leave a light kiss on it. I can see a light blush coloring her cheeks, and knows that she has already decided he's a keeper.

When my parents turns their backs, to lead us into the living room, I catch Michaels eyes and shake my head at him, unable to keep a smile form my lips.

"What?" He mouths to me, and I have to hold a hand for my mouth to keep myself from laughing.

We all sit down, me and Michael beside each other on the couch, and my parents in front of us in two comfortable armchairs. On the coffee table is a thermos bottle with tea and one with coffee, four cups, and a plate with some cookies.

And the interrogation begins. Because my parents might be nice people, they have talked to Michael over the phone lots of times, and I know they both trust and approve of him. But all that doesn't change the fact that they are parents, of a daughter who moved halfway around the earth to live with her boyfriend, that they had only met in person the one time he came to get me in his families private jet, when I moved to California to live with him, and then only for a very short time. So of course they have a lot they want to talk to him about.

To be fair to my parents, they both try and succeed to not be rude, even though their daughter's well-being with her partner is a matter of highest importance!

Of course Michael is adorably shy at the beginning, but as the conversation goes on and he gradually becomes more comfortable, he starts to really display his wonderful charm, and of course my parents likes him more and more.

During the whole, hour-long, conversation, my fingers are entwined with Michaels, and he occasionally brings them to his lips to kiss them, or lets his free hand graze over my cheek, love being visible in every movement. When he does this, I lean in to kiss his soft lips, totally forgetting that we're not alone in the room. And when I remember, I look at my parents, who are just sending each other a happy glance.

When the thermos are empty, and the cookies gone as well, and I've decided that my parents know enough about Michael for now, I stop my mom from asking further about my boyfriend.

"I think we should go to sleep" I tell her, and Michaels yawns - perfect timing!

My comment is immediately followed by a flood of "of course" "It was stupid of us to keep you up so late" "Look at the clock!" "You must be tired after the flight", and all sorts of parental worry, making me smile.

I hug them both goodnight, and walks up the stairs to my room, still holding Michaels hand.

"So how do you think it went?" He asks me nervously.

"I think that's pretty clear, sweetheart" I answer with a happy glimpse in my eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, you know what I mean! They absolutely loved you!"

"You think so?"

"Don't be silly, it was clear as day! I know you don't like to praise yourself too much, but you charmed them so much, they'll be addressing the Christmas cards to you and not me!"

"You're silly" He laugh, before pulling me closer to leave a soft kiss on my lips.

"But honestly, you think they liked me?" He then goes on.

"Of course I do, love. And I also think it's time for us to go to sleep" I assure him, for the to try and finish the conversation. I'm really tired!

"You're right" he answers with a small smile, and I can almost feel my heart melting at the sight.

"And tomorrow you get to meet the whole extended family at my cousins birthday" I say, making him fake shivering of nervousness. We both start laughing, and for a moment all is just... just good, happiness, and the feeling of being with my man.

The next days goes by rapidly, and way too soon we're on our way back to America, filled to the rim with experiences and happiness. My whole family welcomed Michael with open arms, and some with open mouths as well, when they recognized him. But my old great grandmother, she's 97 years now, just nodded in approval and laughed about at me that I just had to "get the best man the world could produce".

And at our way home in the plane, with Line asleep beside us, he whispers quietly to me:

"You know, all this have just made me even more eager to one day make you my wife"

I just smile at him and whisper back: "You better do it soon then, because I can't wait to call you my husband"

A smile shines on his lips and in his eyes, as he leans down to seal his soft lips over mine, filling me with a love so intense, so passionate, and so true, I can't even begin to describe it.

But with this man by my side, I can always feel it. 

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