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     One... two... three... ZAP.. one.. two.. three... ZAP

     The young girl struggled to keep her breath as the pain never seemed to end. The electric shock of the machine was strong enough to put even a grown man to sleep, but this 16 year old was almost used to the feeling now.

Her long purple hair grew greasy from being untreated in weeks. HYDRA didn't exactly care that their assassins were beautiful, just tough. Arielle let out a scream of pain as they shocked her once again. Tears formed in her dark blue eyes but her struggling was useless. The feeling of helplessness was the worst park because no matter what she did, Arielle would never break free.

Later in the day, Arielle sat in her "room" clutching her shakey knees to her chest.
Why. Why would you give up a child for this reason? How selfish could you be that her pain ment so little to you...
The young girl desperately tried to remember what little there was of the old family. After a great struggle with money back in the day they had abandoned her. She was told her "gifts" could be used in marvellous ways. To save the world of its wrongness even.
That was clearly not the case.
Often times it was difficult for the purple haired fighter to remember anything about her past life. Even something as basic as her name came was a great struggle, but she was Arielle, and she wouldn't let that be taken from her. Not today.

Deep into the night as Arielle attempted to rest, but like usual her mind was clouded with memories.. not the good ones.

Authors note: I change a few technical things to make the story better at about chapter 5 so please don't judge the book based of this first chapter 😂tysm for reading

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