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I looked into the eyes of the captain In a curious way.
I did just try to kill him right? What's he doing?
He's smiling. How does this man always seem to be able to smile? Maybe I'll never understand him but that's okay right now. I won't stay long, these people are strangers and I shouldn't bother them.

"W-why are you helping me?" I finally stutter out after a long silence. It seemed only fair that I should talk to him if I'd be staying here.

"Look I know it's hard... you don't deserve to be in pain and I know how it feels having a friend out through this. So I'll help you until someone looking for you finds you" he says in a calming way to me.
What he's saying is obscure of course. No ones looking for me and no one wants to be looking for me. If they cared I wouldn't be here right now. I'd be at home with a family all smiling and talking about how I'm doing in school. But I'm here. In a strangers house because it's my mission to kill him and bring him to HYDRA, even if I don't want to.

"Take a look around the house kid. It's not much but hey it's something". Captain rubs my shoulder and walks out of the room.

Touching is still uncomfortable for me if I'm being honest... I just don't like it. Maybe if I trusted someone I'd be different but it's so scary.

After a while of looking around the room I finally gather the strength to get up. My legs ache from being struck down by a hard metal arm, but pain is nothing new.

I notice right away that the house is decked in notebooks. Their basically everywhere and I can't figure out why. I can only imagine that Captain America is far to busy to be a writer, spending his time 'saving the world' and all. But his friend remains a mystery to me. I thought he was the Winter Soldier but that man wouldn't have dared to spare my life or hug me for that matter. Maybe he keeps a diary, writing down stuff like.. remember to wax arm? I got nothing for him he's mysterious as anyone could be.

The bathroom is as exciting as bathrooms go. Walls are covered in outdated wallpaper but the rest of the appliances seem fairly new. The mirror in front of the sink opens into a cabinet so I decided to take a look.
Tooth paste, q tips, bandaids..
There's a few prescription pills in little yellow cylinder bottles that catch my eye.
Pills for PTSD prescribed to Steven Rogers.
I see another one with the name James Barnes. Odd. I thought his name was Bucky.

It's strange but seeing the pills almost makes me more comfortable in his house. Maybe their dealing with this similar to me? It's just a thought though..

I keep looking around and I run into a rather large reading area. Casually yet carefully, I take a seat in the dark leather reclining chair.

More notebooks. Even with the regular reading books.

I slowly run my finger across the seam of an old dust covered book. My eyes scan the room looking for potential dangerous objects.. just in case.

My eyes meet something that I didn't see before, I practically fell off the chair I was startled. As was the metal armed man based off his expression.

The problem with two assassins in one house is you never notice that the other is even in a room before you're standing nose to nose.

The violet assassin Where stories live. Discover now