Prologue 2: The Near Cat-tastrophe

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Okay, the ocean is beautiful! It's kinda hard to believe that someday in the near future there is going to be a large tidal wave with Atlanteans surfing on it attacking New York. It's also hard to believe that the Hudson empties into it. Seriously, have you seen it? Then again, it isn't as polluted as it used to be. After Iron Man made a comment about Red Skull being able to have the Hudson River in "In Deep" I did some research while bored, and while it's not a good idea to eat fish from it or swim in some areas, it's okay that it's not clear. The mud on the bottom of the river gets stirred up and mixes with the water, so the Hudson probably wasn't clear when it was discovered.

Oh hey, I think I can see Atlanteans scouting out New York ahead of time. Looks like it took them quite a bit of planning before they attacked. They must've been planning it even before Skull invited Attuma to the Cabal. And they still got their scales handed to them by the Hulk. Oh, that just makes this next thing I'm going to do even more fun.

I smirk to myself, and go underwater. I land right above one of the overgrown guppies on a piece of rock. He looks up in surprise. As he sees me, his eyes widen. I smirk and wave hi. He lets out what appears to be a girlish scream and swims away in terror. At least I think he screamed girlishly. I couldn't tell for sure because the water kinda messed with the sound. It was probably a girly scream. I need to do that again when the Atlanteans attack. And have someone take a video. Or just place a hidden camera nearby before I scare the supersized guppie. It will be fun regardless of how I record it. I smile again for some reason. I've been smiling an awful lot for someone who has two sets of memories and has family they will probably never see again in both memories. And I'm somehow also not having a mental breakdown. Wow. Hey, at least I'm not a Mary Sue. At least I think I'm not. I mean, I've been writing this story since I was in first grade. Heck, it's an entire fandom in and of itself. But I have advanced my story to the point of boredom with it and then I went for fanfiction. My brain is too weird. Plus at the time my horror-mones started to kick in. I was only 10. So that makes sense. But it started out as it's own thing, with its own lore, and characters, and kingdoms. And other cool shit. Then I added more and more, changed it a bit, and even came up with a plausible explanation of how I could mix Supernatural, MLP, Ninjago, FNAF, Soul Eater, and more in the same room. Woah, how did I go from talk... err, thinking about how I should not be smiling to thinking about how I have created an entire book series pretty much. Wow. I can hear my best friends in my head now saying "Only you Laurel. Only you," and shaking their heads. Anyways, I should probably surface in case the guppie comes back with some angry guppie friends. And maybe play around in the ocean a bit more. I move my wings around a bit and prepare to go up.

My head breaks the surface of the water, and after it does I continue to fly up again. I stop myself after about twenty feet. Maybe it's time for some aerial acrobatics. I smirk to myself again, and take off almost at full speed. Man flying feels good! I tilt my wings for a loop. I go about two feet before I do another one. And this time I do three loops in one place. I fly straight up for about fifty feet. I stop myself, and I dive down to the water, which was a bit further than fifty feet away, and pull up a few seconds before hitting the water. I begin to fly towards the city for some exploring. And to maybe stop some crime. I mean, I'm a superhero in the Marvel Universe now. When in Rome much? Then again, with the enormous amount of superheroes in the Marvel universe, and the fact that I still need shelter, I probably won't find any crime to fight for a while.

Although, I have found a place to live. It's a hole in the back of an abandoned warehouse. In fact, I just now saw it. It looks like someone else was living here at one point, considering that there's a piece of wood nearby that's big enough to cover the hole. And that footprint there. Although it doesn't look fresh, meaning that whoever was here isn't anymore. I hope that means they've moved out and not something more... painful. Anyways, enough flying, time to land.

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