Chapter Three: Ghosts in my Head (Please Get Out)

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I crashland on the Helipad with an "Umph!" and some muffled screaming as I skid on my wings and sheath, stopping a few feet in front of the door.

"Ow..." I mutter, laying on the floor for a bit. I sprained my wings, but nothing else was seriously hurt. It just... hurts.

Note to self, never fly in an extremely windy thunderstorm again. Any other form of rain or storm is acceptable, but not this. The temptation to... no, that can't be what happened... could it? Great, I thought about it again, and once again I couldn't bring myself to do it. It's just pathetic.

Well, if anyone asks about my crash, I'll say the wind threw me off. It's believable, so long as they don't know how well I can really fly. Also, never lay down on your sheath again. It's rather pokey, hard, and just plain uncomfortable. Ah crap, the wind is still blowing at my wings. I better downshift. That'll speed up my wing's healing anyways.

I downshift to civilian clothes and my hat. That's better. I feel inside my pocket. Crud, it only appears in my magic related pockets. I'll have to switch to my homelands' grab.

I snap my fingers and I'm laying on my sheath again. I groan aloud and feel inside my pockets. Okay, it's in there. I try to sit up. WHY DO I KEEP ENDING UP IN SITUATIONS WHERE MY EVERYTHING HURTS!? I can barely move my body. That was a hard fall. Hopefully, Jarvis was helpful and notified the nearest person I just crashed. Or the noise of my fall was loud enough to wake up someone at this hour. Stark is probably still awake working on something in the lab, so maybe he'd have been notified. Or maybe I'll just have to get up and walk on my own. Probably that.

Not sure why the Avengers would even need me anyways. I mean, they have enough flying, blasting, smashing, joking, and mouthing impulsive ego between them all. They don't need someone else to do all that. If they did, the reason why would probably make less sense than the FNaF storyline, which is impossible. Maybe I'll ask Stark why later. I attempt to sit up again. I manage to get my head up for a few seconds, and then my head hits the ground again with a slightly pathetic whimper.

"Are. You. Kidding. Me. Right. Now," I grumble aloud to no one in particular.

Okay then body, NO MORE MRS. NICE GIRL! I sit up as fast as I can, using my arms to hold myself up. Finally! I don't care that every muscle and joint I just used hurts like crazy, I'm sitting up. Maybe I'll just sit here a while. Yeah, good plan. I hear someone with slightly heavy footsteps running to the door behind me, stopping for a second to open it.

"General! Are you okay?" I hear the voice of Cap as he rushes over and kneels beside me.

"Fine, but it's nice to know you didn't hold a grudge over the whole me-throwing-my-frying-pan-at-your-crotch-and-hitting-it thing," I say plainly. He gives me a look that says he detected the BS in my "fine." And here I thought I masked it with my witty humor. I smile sheepishly.

"You are not fine. I saw you crash from my window." I stifle some curses. Just what I always wanted. Someone who gets extremely worried about me when they see one of the few times I'm actually hurt. Why did I hope someone would come and help with my crash again?

"Oh please, I been through worse. Just a bit sore. I'll be fine, provided I get a good night's sleep."

"At least let me help you to your room."

"If it'll make you happy, Boyscout. Do you even know where it is, cause I sure don't," I say as I try to stand up.

"Okay, we'll go ask Tony then," Cap stands up and holds out a hand.

I mutter a Wash quote I memorized just for situations like these as I grab his hand. I hate having people help me. It always makes me feel wormy inside. Hopefully, Cap doesn't understand Mandarin. Although he probably can't make out most of what I'm saying, what he can hear probably doesn't make any sense and/or is drastically changing his opinion of me if he can understand Mandarin. Cap pulls me up, and with a combined effort, I'm on my feet. We head inside. I glance around and make note various places I pass as we walk. I'll have to spend a few hours just wandering tomorrow to help me build a mental map of this place.

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