Chapter 4

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It was now lunch time. I was with the teacher, she was helping with something that I didn't really understand in the lesson. That's when I remembered Corbyn. I sprinted to the cafeteria and saw him sitting on the same table were we first met. I ran to him quickly.
Daniel: I'm sorry Corbyn, I was with the teacher, and I lost track of the time. Now you probably hate me.
He put his hand over mine and shook his head no. I smiled to him and then he quickly pulled his hands away. He started eating his food but he cringed at every bite. He looked around and saw everyone eating food from the school like pizza, pasta and salad.
I took some fruits out of my bag and gave them to him.
He shook his head no.
Daniel: Corbyn eat them I'm not hungry I promise.
He took them and soon he was done. Damn this kid's hungry.
Daniel: Btw the sweatshirt looks good on you.
He was about to take it off but I stopped him.
Daniel: Keep it, it looks good on you.
He nodded and blushed.
Daniel: Oh I have some books to return to the library, you wanna come?
He nodded.
I held his wrist but he flinched. This made me realize he had bracelets on.
Daniel: I'm sorry.
He pulled up his sleeve and took off one of his bracelets and gave it to me.
Daniel: It's ok Corbyn you don't have to.
He gave me puppy dog eyes. I laughed and took it.
Daniel: Thank you.
I held his hand and we walked to the library.
I let go of Corbyn's hand and walked to tye counter.
Daniel: Hello Mrs.Palmer.
Mrs.Palmer: Hello Daniel, finished already?
I nodded and gave her the books.
Corbyn came over to me and held my hand again, but this time intertwining our fingers together.
I felt butterflies in my stomach.
We sat in the library for a while until we heard the bell ring.
Daniel: See you English Corbyn.
He waved and walked to his class.

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