Chapter 6

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(Mother=Corbyn's mom)
Mother: Listen here kid, get away from my son.
Daniel: I'm sorry but I can't do that, Corbyn needs me.
Mother: If you don't want him to get hurt leave him alone, or something bad will happen to him. Trust me.
I left his house and started walking to mine with my head hung low. I got to my bed and started crying. Eventually I fell asleep.
It's been a week everyday in school I try to do my best to avoid Corbyn. Whenever he sees me I ignore him and run away. It kills me seeing the hurtful expression on his face when I do that. But I will do anything for him not to get hurt. The next day of school I woke up dreading to go. I went downstairs with red eyes since all of the crying.
Dad: You ok Dani?
I hugged him and broke down on his chest. He knew what was going on because other than Corbyn he's the only one I talk to.
Dad: You know what? Don't go to school today have some rest.
He kissed my forehead and I went back to bed. I put on Riverdale. My dad left for work and I stayed laying on my bed not watching but thinking of Corbyn. I got up to make myself something to eat since I was starving. I made myself a sandwich and got back upstairs. My phone started ringing, it was my dad.
Daniel: Hi dad.
Dad: D-daniel.
His voice was shaky, something was wrong.
Daniel: Dad are you ok?
Dad: It's Corbyn.

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