Chapter 6: The Journey by Far

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       The journey by far had only lasted by far a mere 6 days and Darel soon grew tired of it. His will to find the stone was the only thing that pushed him forward.

       He would think to himself. 'What would Uliac do in my shoes? I know he would try to find the stones but how?'

     Darel racked his brain day and night with that one question. His brother was the only one who wasn't worried about the sufferings ahead. Redrock was the wisest of all of them but could she be the strongest? When Darel looked at her. He could tell she was a strong warrior and ,if an enemy, a dangerous one.

    Zardoc had often told him during the journey to avoid any contact with any other forms of life for extra precaution. The horses they rode on were tired and water wasn't as scarves as they thought. Zardoc would laugh and say. "If the Wersian desert had this much water, it would be like the sea!"

     "What is a sea?" asked Darel after the fifth time Zardoc said that during their journey.

      Zardoc answered his question and said it is like the Anorian River but much larger. "The Anorian River runs for leagues from the Fardur mountains and  into the lake of death."

      "is it like the sea Uliac traveled across to get to here?"

       "indeed it is.

       " Does anyone know where the sea is?"

      "Some do but some may never know. Its a knowledge rare to get."

      Darel tried to hide his disappointment but Zardoc knew how he felt. "Don't be disappointed brother. We may see the sea one day and in some way find the home of Uliac himself."


       That night Darel couldn't sleep at all. He just felt like he had so much energy but was tired at the same time. He felt like he had to go to sleep but couldn't. Zardoc was on watch that night so Darel could get some rest.

      Darel sat upright and listened to the crickets. The sounds they made echoed through the forest trail. Darel hoped that by noon tomorrow, he would arrive at Mount Sesair.

      Darel's legs felt like going deep down into the forest. Darel stood up and took his sword. Zardoc turned his head and looked at him saying." Where are you going?"

      "I...uh...want to take a walk," replied Darel nervously.

      "Well at least have someone come with you."

      "Oh okay."

       Zardoc stood up and shook Maia awake saying. "Maia! Maia wake up!"

       Maia opened her eyes. "What?" She said.

       "Darel feels like taking a walk into the forest but shouldn't go alone. You mind going with him?"

       She opened her eyes wide this time. "No. I don't mind." She stood up and brushed off the dirt on her hand. "Where is he?"

        "He is over there near the bush." Said Zardoc pointing at a bush.

        Maia nodded and walked over to wear Zardoc pointed. Darel stood there and was touching his three scars he had on his cheeks.

        "You okay?" asked Maia.

        "No I am fine," was Darel's answer."Let's go."

         Darel walked into the forest and walked on non- stop.

        Maia looked at him nervously and said."Are you sure you are fine? Darel if there is something wrong."

       "No I am fine."

         Darel soon reached a clearing. "Darel...."

       The moon shone on his face and the scars looked like they were of different colors. "What is it Maia?"

        Maia stood there and looked with horror over the trees. She wanted to scream but what she saw made her think twice.

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